104-10. Migratory bird sanctuaries or other wildlife refuges. The United States is authorized to acquire by purchase, or by condemnation with adequate compensation, such lands in North Carolina as in the opinion of the federal government may be needed for the establishment of one or more migratory bird sanctuaries or other wildlife refuges. This consent […]
104-11. Utilities Commission to secure rights-of-way, etc., for waterway improvements by use of federal funds. Hereafter whenever any waterway improvement in North Carolina by the use of federal funds is provided for upon condition that the State or locality shall furnish rights-of-way, permits for the dumping of dredged material, or furnish or do any other […]
104-11.1. Governor may accept a retrocession of jurisdiction over federal areas. Whenever a duly authorized official or agent of the United States, acting pursuant to authority conferred by the Congress, notifies the Governor or any other State official, department or agency, that the United States desires or is willing to relinquish to the State the […]
104-2. Unused lands to revert to State. The consent given in G.S. 104-1 is upon consideration of the United States building lighthouses, lighthouse keepers’ dwellings, lifesaving stations, buoys, coal depots, fish stations, post offices, customhouses, and other buildings connected therewith, on the tracts or parcels of land so purchased, or that may be purchased; and […]
104-3. Exemption of such lands from taxation. The lots, parcels, or tracts of land acquired under this Chapter, together with the tenements and appurtenances for the purpose mentioned in this Chapter, shall be exempt from taxation. (1870-1, c. 44, s. 3; Code, s. 3082; Rev., s. 5428; C.S., s. 8055.)
104-4. Conveyances of such lands to be recorded. All deeds, conveyances, or other title papers for the same shall be recorded, as in other cases, in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which the lands so conveyed may lie, in the same manner and under the same regulations as other […]
104-5. Forest reserve in North Carolina authorized; powers conferred. The United States is authorized to acquire by purchase, or by condemnation with adequate compensation, except as hereinafter provided, such lands in North Carolina as in the opinion of the federal government may be needed for the establishment of a national forest reserve in that region. […]
104-6. Acquisition of lands for river and harbor improvement; reservation of right to serve process. The consent of the legislature of the State is hereby given to the acquisition by the United States of any tracts, pieces, or parcels of land within the limits of the State, by purchase or condemnation, for use as sites […]
104-7. Acquisition of lands by the United States for customhouses, courthouses, post offices, forts, arsenals, or armories; cession of jurisdiction; exemption from taxation. (a) The consent of the State is hereby given, in accordance with the seventeenth clause, eighth section, of the first article of the Constitution of the United States, to the acquisition by […]
104-8. Further authorization of acquisition of land. The United States is hereby authorized to acquire lands by condemnation or otherwise in this State for the purpose of preserving the navigability of navigable streams and for holding and administering such lands for national park purposes: Provided, that this section and G.S. 104-9 shall in nowise affect […]
104-9. Condition of consent granted in preceding section. This consent is given upon condition that the State of North Carolina shall retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over such lands so far that civil process in all cases, and such criminal process as may issue under the authority of the State […]