106-700. Legislative determination and declaration of policy. It is the declared policy of the State to conserve and protect and encourage the development and improvement of its agricultural land and forestland for the production of food, fiber, and other products. When other land uses extend into agricultural and forest areas, agricultural and forestry operations often […]
106-701. Right to farm defense; nuisance actions. (a) No nuisance action may be filed against an agricultural or forestry operation unless all of the following apply: (1) The plaintiff is a legal possessor of the real property affected by the conditions alleged to be a nuisance. (2) The real property affected by the conditions alleged […]
106-702. Limitations on private nuisance actions against agricultural and forestry operations. (a) The compensatory damages that may be awarded to a plaintiff for a private nuisance action where the alleged nuisance emanated from an agricultural or forestry operation shall be as follows: (1) If the nuisance is a permanent nuisance, compensatory damages shall be measured […]