§ 113-300.5 – Short title.
113-300.5. Short title. This Article may be cited as the "Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact." (2008-120, s. 1.)
113-300.5. Short title. This Article may be cited as the "Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact." (2008-120, s. 1.)
113-300.6. Governor to execute compact; form of compact. The Governor shall execute an Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact on behalf of the State of North Carolina with any state of the United States legally joining therein in the form substantially as follows: Article I. Findings, Declaration of Policy, and Purpose. (a) The party states find that: […]
113-300.7. Appointment of Compact Administrator; implementation; rules; amendments. (a) The Chair of the Wildlife Resources Commission, in consultation with the Chair of the Marine Fisheries Commission and the Fisheries Director, shall appoint the Compact Administrator for North Carolina. The Compact Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair of the Wildlife Resources Commission. (b) […]
113-300.8. Violations. It is unlawful for a person whose license, privilege, or right to hunt, fish, trap, possess, or transport wildlife has been suspended or revoked under the provisions of this Article to exercise that right or privilege within this State or to purchase or possess a license granting that right or privilege. A person […]