115C-323. Employee health certificate. (a) Any person initially employed in a public school or reemployed in a public school after an absence of more than one school year shall provide to the superintendent a certificate certifying that the person does not have any physical or mental disease, including tuberculosis in the communicable form or other […]
115C-324. Disposition of payment due employees at time of death. In the event of the death of any superintendent, teacher, principal, or other school employee to whom payment is due for or in connection with services rendered by such person or to whom has been issued any uncashed voucher for or in connection with services […]
115C-325. System of employment for public school teachers. (a) Definition of Terms. – Notwithstanding G.S. 115C-325.1, as used in this section, the following definitions apply, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) Repealed by Session Laws 1997-221, s. 13(a). (1a) "Career employee" as used in this section means an employee who was awarded career status with […]
115C-325.1. Definitions. Except as otherwise provided in G.S. 115C-325, as used in this Part, the following definitions apply: (1) "Day" means calendar day. In computing any period of time, Rule 6 of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure shall apply. (2) "Demote" means to reduce the salary of a person who is classified or […]
115C-325.10. Application to certain institutions. [Effective until January 1, 2023] Notwithstanding any law or regulation to the contrary, this Part shall apply to all persons employed in teaching and related educational classes in the schools and institutions of the Departments of Health and Human Services and Public Instruction and the Division of Adult Correction and […]
115C-325.11. Dismissal of school administrators and teachers employed in low-performing residential schools. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or any other law, this section shall govern the dismissal by the State Board of Education of teachers, principals, assistant principals, directors, supervisors, and other licensed personnel assigned to a residential school that the State […]
115C-325.12. Procedure for dismissal of principals employed in low-performing schools. (a) Dismissal of Principals Assigned to Low-Performing Schools With Assistance Teams. – Notwithstanding any other provision of this Part or any other law, this section governs the State Board’s dismissal of principals assigned to low-performing schools to which the State Board has assigned an assistance […]
115C-325.13. Procedure for dismissal of teachers employed in low-performing schools. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Part or any other law, this section shall govern the State Board’s dismissal of teachers, assistant principals, directors, and supervisors assigned to schools that the State Board has identified as low-performing and to which the State Board has […]
115C-325.2. Personnel files. (a) Maintenance of Personnel File. – The superintendent shall maintain in his or her office a personnel file for each teacher that contains any complaint, commendation, or suggestion for correction or improvement about the teacher’s professional conduct, except that the superintendent may elect not to place in a teacher’s file (i) a […]
115C-325.3. Teacher contracts. (a) Length of Contract. – A contract between the local board of education and a teacher who has been employed by the local board of education for less than three years shall be for a term of one school year. A new contract or renewal of contract between the local board of […]
115C-325.4. Dismissal or demotion for cause. (a) Grounds. – No teacher shall be dismissed, demoted, or reduced to employment on a part-time basis for disciplinary reasons during the term of the contract except for one or more of the following: (1) Inadequate performance. In determining whether the professional performance of a teacher is adequate, consideration […]
115C-325.5. Teacher suspension. (a) Immediate Suspension Without Pay. – If a superintendent believes that cause exists for dismissing a teacher for any reason specified in G.S. 115C-325.4 and that immediate suspension of the teacher is necessary, the superintendent may suspend the teacher without pay. Before suspending a teacher without pay, the superintendent shall meet with […]
115C-325.6. Procedure for dismissal or demotion of a teacher for cause. (a) Recommendation of Dismissal or Demotion. – A teacher may not be dismissed, demoted, or reduced to part-time employment for disciplinary reasons during the term of the contract except upon the superintendent’s recommendation based on one or more of the grounds in G.S. 115C-325.4. […]
115C-325.7. Hearing before board. The following procedures shall apply for a board hearing for dismissal, demotion, reduction to part-time employment for disciplinary reasons, or disciplinary suspension without pay: (1) The hearing shall be private. (2) The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with reasonable rules adopted by the State Board of Education to govern such […]
115C-325.8. Right of appeal. (a) A teacher who (i) has been dismissed, demoted, or reduced to employment on a part-time basis for disciplinary reasons during the term of the contract as provided in G.S. 115C-325.4, or has received a disciplinary suspension without pay as provided in G.S. 115C-325.5, and (ii) requested and participated in a […]
115C-325.9. Teacher resignation. (a) Teacher Resignation Following Recommendation for Dismissal. – If a teacher has been recommended for dismissal under G.S. 115C-325.4 and the teacher chooses to resign without the written agreement of the superintendent, then: (1) The superintendent shall report the matter to the State Board of Education. (2) The teacher shall be deemed […]
115C-326.5. Job sharing by school employees. (a) The General Assembly finds that there is a shortage of qualified public school employees available in certain geographical areas of the State. The elimination of administrative and fiscal limitations on job-sharing arrangements would make employment in a public school an attractive option for well-qualified persons who do not […]
115C-330. Employment of handicapped. The Board and each local educational agency shall make positive efforts to employ and advance in employment qualified handicapped individuals. (1977, c. 927, s. 1; 1981, c. 423, s. 1.)
115C-332. School personnel criminal history checks. (a) As used in this section: (1) "Criminal history" means a county, state, or federal criminal history of conviction of a crime, whether a misdemeanor or a felony, that indicates the employee (i) poses a threat to the physical safety of students or personnel, or (ii) has demonstrated that […]
115C-332.1. Sex offender registries checks for certain contractual personnel. (a) For purposes of this section, the term "contractual personnel" includes any individual or entity under contract with the local board of education whose contractual job involves direct interaction with students as part of the job. For purposes of this section, the term "contractual personnel" does […]