115C-364. Admission requirements. (a) A child who is presented for enrollment at any time during the first 120 days of a school year is entitled to initial entry into the public schools if: (1) The child reaches or reached the age of 5 on or before August 31 of that school year; or (2) The […]
115C-366. Assignment of student to a particular school. [Effective until July 1, 2022] (a) All students under the age of 21 years who are domiciled in a school administrative unit who have not been removed from school for cause, or who have not obtained a high school diploma, are entitled to all the privileges and […]
115C-366.1. Local boards of education; tuition charges. (a) Local boards of education may charge tuition to the following persons: (1) Persons of school age who are not domiciliaries of the State. (2) Persons of school age who are domiciliaries of the State but who do not reside within the school administrative unit. (3) Persons of […]
115C-366.3. Classroom placement of multiple birth siblings. (a) As used in this section, the term "multiple birth siblings" means twins, triplets, quadruplets, or other siblings resulting from a multiple birth. (b) The parent of multiple birth siblings who are assigned to the same grade level and school may request a consultative meeting with the school […]
115C-366.4. Assignment of students convicted of cyber-bullying. A student who is convicted under G.S. 14-458.2 of cyber-bullying a school employee shall be transferred to another school within the local school administrative unit. If there is no other appropriate school within the local school administrative unit, the student shall be transferred to a different class or […]
115C-367. Assignment on certain bases prohibited. No person shall be refused admission to or be excluded from any public school in this State on account of race, creed, color or national origin. No school attendance district or zone shall be drawn for the purpose of segregating persons of various races, creeds, colors or national origins […]
115C-368. Notice of assignment. In exercising the authority conferred by G.S. 115C-366(b), each local board of education may, in making assignments of pupils, give individual written notice of assignment, on each pupil’s report card or by written notice by any other feasible means, to the parent or guardian of each child or the person standing […]
115C-369. Application for reassignment; notice of disapproval; hearing before board. (a) The parent or guardian of any child, or the person standing in loco parentis to any child, who is dissatisfied with the assignment made by a local board of education may, within 10 days after notification of the assignment, or the last publication thereof, […]
115C-370. Judicial review of board’s decision. A decision of a local board under G.S. 115C-369 is final and, except as provided in this section, is subject to judicial review in accordance with Article 4 of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. A person seeking judicial review shall file a petition in the superior court of […]
115C-371. Assignment to special education programs. Assignment of students to special education programs is subject to Article 9 of this Chapter. (1981, c. 423, s. 1; 2006-69, s. 3(k).)
115C-372. Assignment to school bus. Assignment of students to school buses is subject to the provisions of G.S. 115C-244. (1981, c. 423, s. 1.)