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Home » US Law » 2022 North Carolina General Statutes » Chapter 115C - Elementary and Secondary Education » Article 25A - Special Medical Needs of Students and Identification of Sexual Abuse of Students.

§ 115C-375.1 – To provide some medical care to students.

115C-375.1. To provide some medical care to students. It is within the scope of duty of teachers, including substitute teachers, teacher assistants, student teachers, or any other public school employee when authorized by the board of education or its designee, (i) to administer any drugs or medication prescribed by a doctor upon written request of […]

§ 115C-375.2 – Possession and self-administration of asthma medication by students with asthma or students subject to anaphylactic reactions, or both.

115C-375.2. Possession and self-administration of asthma medication by students with asthma or students subject to anaphylactic reactions, or both. (a) Local boards of education shall adopt a policy authorizing a student with asthma or a student subject to anaphylactic reactions, or both, to possess and self-administer asthma medication on school property during the school day, […]

§ 115C-375.20 – Child sexual abuse and sex trafficking training program required.

115C-375.20. Child sexual abuse and sex trafficking training program required. (a) Definitions. – The following definitions shall apply in this section: (1) School personnel. – Teachers, instructional support personnel, principals, and assistant principals. This term may also include, in the discretion of the employing entity, other school employees who work directly with students in grades […]

§ 115C-375.2A – School supply of epinephrine auto-injectors.

115C-375.2A. School supply of epinephrine auto-injectors. (a) A local board of education shall provide for a supply of emergency epinephrine auto-injectors on school property for use by trained school personnel to provide emergency medical aid to persons suffering from an anaphylactic reaction during the school day and at school-sponsored events on school property. Each school […]

§ 115C-375.3 – Guidelines to support and assist students with diabetes.

115C-375.3. Guidelines to support and assist students with diabetes. Local boards of education and boards of directors of charter schools shall ensure that the guidelines adopted by the State Board of Education under G.S. 115C-12(31) are implemented in schools in which students with diabetes are enrolled. In particular, the boards shall require the implementation of […]

§ 115C-375.4 – Meningococcal Meningitis and Influenza and Their Vaccines.

115C-375.4. Meningococcal Meningitis and Influenza and Their Vaccines. Local boards of education shall ensure that schools provide parents and guardians with information about meningococcal meningitis and influenza and their vaccines at the beginning of every school year. This information shall include the causes, symptoms, and how meningococcal meningitis and influenza are spread and the places […]

§ 115C-375.5 – Education for pregnant and parenting students.

115C-375.5. Education for pregnant and parenting students. (a) Pregnant and parenting students shall receive the same educational instruction or its equivalent as other students. A local school administrative unit may provide programs to meet the special scheduling and curriculum needs of pregnant and parenting students. However, student participation in these programs shall be voluntary, and […]