115C-408. Funds under control of the State Board of Education. (a) It is the policy of the State of North Carolina to create a public school system that graduates good citizens with the skills demanded in the marketplace, and the skills necessary to cope with contemporary society, using State, local and other funds in the […]
115C-409. Power to accept federal funds and aid. (a) The Board is authorized to accept, receive, use or reallocate to local school administrative units any federal funds, or aids, that may be appropriated now or hereafter by the federal government for the encouragement and improvement of any phase of the free public school program which, […]
115C-410. Power to accept gifts and grants. The Board is authorized to adopt all needed rules and regulations related to the creation and administration of special funds within the Department of Public Instruction to manage any funds received as grants from nongovernmental sources in support of public education. In accordance with the State Board’s rules […]
115C-411. Authority to invest school funds. The Board is authorized to direct the State Treasurer to invest in interest-bearing securities any funds which may come into its possession, and which it deems expedient to invest, as other funds of the State are now or may be hereafter invested. (1955, c. 1372, art. 2, s. 2; […]
115C-412. Power to purchase at mortgage sales. The State Board of Education is authorized to purchase at public sale any land upon which it has a mortgage or deed of trust securing the purchase price, or any part thereof, and when any land so sold and purchased by the said Board of Education is a […]
115C-413. Power to adjust debts. The State Board of Education is hereby authorized and empowered to settle, compromise or otherwise adjust any indebtedness due it upon the purchase price of any land or property sold by it, or to cancel and surrender the notes, mortgages, trust deeds, or other evidence of indebtedness without payment, when, […]
115C-414. State Board as successor to powers of abolished commissions and boards. The Board shall succeed to all the powers and trusts of the president and directors of the Literary Fund of North Carolina; and to all the powers, functions, duties, and property of all abolished commissions and boards including the State School Commission, the […]
115C-416. Power to allot funds for teachers and other personnel. The Board shall have power to provide for the enrichment and strengthening of educational opportunities for the children of the State, and when sufficient State funds are available to provide first for the allotment of such a number of teachers as to prevent the teacher […]
115C-417. Availability of funds allocated for staff development. Funds allocated by the State Board of Education for staff development at the local level shall become available for expenditure on July 1 of each fiscal year and shall remain available for expenditure until December 31 of the subsequent fiscal year. (1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 900, […]
115C-419. Full-time equivalent student calculation; report. (a) The State Board of Education shall establish a formula for determining the full-time equivalency of a student enrolled in a public school unit of the State for the purposes of providing State funds on a per pupil basis. The formula shall include the amount of instructional time required […]