115C-546.10. Fund created; purpose; prioritization. There is created the Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund as an interest-bearing, nonreverting special fund in the Department of Public Instruction. The State Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Needs-Based Public School Capital Fund and shall invest its assets in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 147-69.2 and G.S. […]
115C-546.11. Matching requirement; use of funds; maximum awards. (a) An eligible county awarded a grant under this Article shall provide local matching funds from county funds, other non-State funds, or a combination of these sources for the grant as provided in this section. An eligible county is a county with an adjusted market value of […]
115C-546.12. Grant agreement; requirements. A county receiving grant funds pursuant to this Article shall enter into an agreement with the Department of Public Instruction detailing the use of grant funds. The agreement shall contain at least all of the following: (1) A requirement that the grantee seek planning assistance and plan review from the School […]
115C-546.13. Lease exception; requirements. (a) Notwithstanding any provision of this Article to the contrary, a county may utilize grant funds for a lease agreement if all of the following criteria are met: (1) Ownership of the subject property on which the leased school is constructed shall be retained by the county. (2) The lease agreement […]
115C-546.14. Reporting. (a) On or before April 1 of each year, a grant recipient shall submit to the Department of Public Instruction an annual report for the preceding year that describes the progress of the project for which the grant was received. The grant recipient shall submit a final report to the Department of Public […]