115C-110.1. Teacher qualifications. The Board shall adopt rules covering the qualifications of and standards for licensure of teachers, teacher assistants, speech-language pathologists, school psychologists, and others involved in the education and training of children with disabilities. (2006-69, s. 2.)
115C-110.2. Interpreters/transliterators. Each interpreter or transliterator employed by a local educational agency to provide services to hearing-impaired students must annually complete 15 hours of job-related training that has been approved by the local educational agency. (2002-182, s. 6; 2003-56, s. 3; 2006-69, s. 2.)
115C-111.1. Out-of-state students; eligibility for State funds. Notwithstanding any policy or rule adopted by the State Board of Education, if a local school administrative unit provides services to a student under a current IEP from another state while a determination is being made regarding the student’s eligibility for services as a child with disabilities in […]
115C-111.2. Contracts with private service providers. Local educational agencies furnishing special education and related services to children with disabilities may contract with private special education facilities or service providers to furnish any of these services that the public providers are unable to furnish. (1977, c. 927, s. 1; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 2006-69, s. […]
115C-111.3. Cost of education of children in group homes, foster homes, etc. (a) Notwithstanding any other State law and without regard for the place of domicile of a parent, the cost of a free appropriate public education for a child with disabilities who is placed in or assigned to a group home or foster home, […]
115C-111.4. Nonreduction. Notwithstanding any of the other provisions of this Article, it is the intent of the General Assembly that funds appropriated by it for the operation of programs of special education and related services by local school administrative units not be reduced; rather, that adequate funding be made available to meet the special educational […]
115C-111.5. Allocation of federal funds. Whenever any federal monies for the special education and related services for children with disabilities are made available, these funds shall be allocated according to a formula designed by the Board consistent with federal laws and regulations. This formula shall ensure equitable distribution of resources and shall be implemented as […]
115C-111.6. Obligation to provide services for preschool children with disabilities. State funds appropriated to the public schools to implement preschool services for children with disabilities under this Article and IDEA shall be used to provide special education and related services to preschool children with disabilities. These State funds shall be used to supplement and not […]
115C-112.1. Establishment; organization; powers and duties. (a) There is hereby established an Advisory Council to the State Board of Education to be called the Council on Educational Services for Exceptional Children. (b) The Council shall consist of a minimum of 24 members to be appointed as follows: four ex officio members; one individual with a […]
115C-123 through 115C-126.1: Recodified as 143B-216.40 through 143B-216.44 by Session Laws 1997-18, s. 12.
115C-127, 115C-128: Recodified as 143B-164.10 and 143B-164.13.
115C-130 through 115C-133: Recodified as 143B-164.14 through 143B-164.17.