120-14. Power of committees. Any committee of investigation raised either by joint resolution or resolution of either house of the General Assembly has full power to send for persons and papers, and, if necessary, to compel attendance and production of papers by attachment or otherwise. (1869-70, c. 5, s. 1; Code, s. 2853; Rev., s. […]
120-15. Chairman may administer oaths. The chairman of any committee or any person in his presence, and under his direction, shall have power and authority to administer oaths. (1869-70, c. 5, s. 3; Code, s. 2856; Rev., s. 4413; C.S., s. 6101.)
120-16. Pay of witnesses. Any witness appearing and giving testimony shall be entitled to receive from the person at whose instance he was summoned ten cents (10 ) for every mile traveling to and from his residence, and ferriage, to be recovered in the district court upon the certificate of the commissioner. (1800, c. 557, […]
120-17. Appearance before committee. Every person desiring to appear either in person or by attorney to introduce testimony, or to offer argument for or against the passage of an act or resolution, before any committee of either house of the General Assembly, shall first make application to such committee, stating in writing his object, the […]
120-18. Appeal from denial of right to be heard. If any committee shall refuse to grant the request of any citizen to be heard before it in a matter touching his interests, he may appeal to the house of which the committee is a part; and if he shows good reason for his request the […]
120-19. State officers, etc., upon request, to furnish data and information to legislative committees or commissions. Except as provided in G.S. 105-259, all officers, agents, agencies and departments of the State are required to give to any committee of either house of the General Assembly, or any committee or commission whose funds are appropriated or […]