130A-26.1. Criminal violation of Article 9. (a) The definition of "person" set out in G.S. 130A-290 shall apply to this section. In addition, for purposes of this section, the term "person" shall also include any responsible corporate or public officer or employee. (b) No proceeding shall be brought or continued under this section for or […]
130A-26.2. Penalty for false reporting under Article 9. Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under Article 9 of this Chapter or rules adopted under Article 9 of this Chapter; or who knowingly makes a false […]
130A-26.3. Limitations period for certain groundwater contamination actions. The 10-year period set forth in G.S. 1-52(16) shall not be construed to bar an action for personal injury, or property damages caused or contributed to by groundwater contaminated by a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant, including personal injury or property damages resulting from the consumption, exposure, […]
130A-26.4. Violations of Article 4. (a) A person who commits any of the following acts shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor: (1) Willfully and knowingly makes any false statement in a certificate, record, or report required by Article 4 of this Chapter. (2) Removes or permits the removal of a dead body of […]
130A-26A: Recodified as G.S. 130A-26.4 by Session Laws 2018-142, s. 17.
130A-27. Recovery of money. The Secretary or the Secretary of Environmental Quality may institute an action in the county where the action arose or the county where the defendant resides to recover any money, other property or interest in property or the monetary value of goods or services provided or paid for by the Department […]
130A-28. Forfeiture of gain. In the case of a violation of this Chapter or the rules adopted by the Commission, money or other property or interest in property so acquired shall be forfeited to the State unless ownership by an innocent person may be established. An action may be instituted by the Attorney General or […]
130A-3. Appointment of the State Health Director. The Secretary shall appoint the State Health Director. The State Health Director shall be a physician licensed to practice medicine in this State. The State Health Director shall perform duties and exercise authority assigned by the Secretary. (1983, c. 891, s. 2.)
130A-4. Administration. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, the Secretary shall administer and enforce the provisions of this Chapter and the rules of the Commission. A local health director shall administer the programs of the local health department and enforce the rules of the local board of health. (b) When requested […]
130A-4.1. State funds for maternal and child health care/nonsupplanting. (a) The Department shall ensure that local health departments do not reduce county appropriations for maternal and child health services provided by the local health departments because they have received State appropriations for this purpose. (b) All income earned by local health departments for maternal and […]
130A-4.2. State funds for health promotion/nonsupplanting. The Department shall ensure that local health departments do not reduce county appropriations for health promotion services provided by the local health departments because they have received State appropriations for this purpose. (1991, c. 689, s. 171; 1997-443, s. 11A.58.)
130A-4.3. State funds for school nurses. (a) The Department shall use State funds appropriated for the School Nurse Funding Initiative to supplement and not supplant other State, local, or federal funds appropriated or allocated for this purpose. The Department shall ensure that communities maintain their current level of effort and funding for school nurses. These […]
130A-4.4. Funds for AIDS Drug Assistance Program. [Effective until January 1, 2023] The Department shall work with the Department of Public Safety to use Department of Public Safety funds to purchase pharmaceuticals for the treatment of individuals in the custody of the Department of Public Safety who have been diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or […]
130A-5. Duties of the Secretary. The Secretary shall have the authority: (1) To enforce the State health laws and the rules of the Commission; (2) To investigate the causes of epidemics and of infectious, communicable and other diseases affecting the public health in order to control and prevent these diseases; to provide, under the rules […]
130A-5.1. State health standards. (a) The Secretary shall adopt measurable standards and goals for community health against which the State’s actions to improve the health status of its citizens will be measured. The Secretary shall report annually to the General Assembly upon its convening or reconvening and to the Governor on all of the following: […]
130A-6. Delegation of authority. Whenever authority is granted by this Chapter upon a public official, the authority may be delegated to another person authorized by the public official. (1983, c. 891, s. 2.)
130A-7. Grants-in-aid. The State is authorized to accept, allocate and expend any grants-in-aid for public health purposes which may be made available to the State by the federal government. This Chapter is to be liberally construed in order that the State and its citizens may benefit fully from these grants-in-aid. The Commission is authorized to […]
130A-8. Counties to recover indirect costs on certain federal public health or mental health grants. (a) The Department shall include in its request for federal funds applicable to public health or mental health grants from the federal government to the State or any of its agencies, indirect costs incurred by counties acting as subgrantees under […]
130A-9. Standards. The Commission is authorized to establish reasonable standards governing the nature and scope of public health services rendered by local health departments. (1957, c. 1357, s. 1; 1973, c. 110; 1975, c. 83; 1979, c. 504, s. 15; 1983, c. 891, s. 2.)