130A-100. Register of deeds may perform notarial acts. (a) The register of deeds is authorized to take acknowledgments, administer oaths and affirmations and to perform all other notarial acts necessary for the registration or issuance of certificates relating to births, deaths or marriages. The register of deeds shall be entitled to a fee as prescribed […]
130A-101. Birth registration. (a) A certificate of birth for each live birth, regardless of the gestation period, which occurs in this State shall be filed with the local registrar of the county in which the birth occurs within 10 days after the birth and shall be registered by the registrar if it has been completed […]
130A-102. Contents of birth certificate. The certificate of birth shall contain those items recommended by the federal agency responsible for national vital statistics, except as amended or changed by the State Registrar. Medical information contained in a birth certificate shall not be public records open to inspection. (1913, c. 109, s. 14; C.S., s. 7102; […]
130A-103. Registration of birth certificates more than five days and less than one year after birth. Any birth may be registered more than five days and less than one year after birth in the same manner as births are registered under this Article within five days of birth. The registration shall have the effect as […]
130A-104. Registration of birth one year or more after birth. (a) When the birth of a person born in this State has not been registered within one year after birth, a delayed certificate may be filed with the register of deeds in the county in which the birth occurred. An applicant for a delayed certificate […]
130A-105. Validation of irregular registration of birth certificates. The registration and filing with the State Registrar prior to April 1, 1941, of the birth certificate of a person whose birth was not registered within five days of birth is validated. All copies of birth certificates filed prior to April 9, 1941, properly certified by the […]
130A-106. Establishing fact of birth by persons without certificates. (a) A person born in this State not having a recorded certificate of birth, may file a verified petition with the clerk of the superior court in the county of the petitioner’s legal residence or place of birth, setting forth the date, place of birth and […]
130A-107. Establishing facts relating to a birth of unknown parentage; certificate of identification. (a) A person of unknown parentage whose place and date of birth are unknown may file a verified petition with the clerk of the superior court in the county where the petitioner was abandoned. The petition shall set forth the facts concerning […]
130A-108. Certificate of identification for individual of foreign birth. (a) In the case of an adopted individual born in a foreign country and residing in this State at the time of application, the State Registrar shall, upon the presentation of a certified copy of the original birth certificate from the country of birth and a […]
130A-109. Birth certificate as evidence. Certified copies of birth certificates shall be accepted by public school authorities in this State as prima facie evidence of the age of children registering for school attendance, and no other proof shall be required. In addition, certified copies of birth certificates shall be required by all factory inspectors and […]
130A-110. Registration of marriage certificates. (a) On or before the fifteenth day of the month, the register of deeds shall transmit to the State Registrar a record of each marriage ceremony performed during the preceding calendar month for which a license was issued by the register of deeds. The State Registrar shall prescribe a form […]
130A-111. Registration of divorces and annulments. For each divorce and annulment of marriage granted by a court of competent jurisdiction in this State, a report shall be prepared and filed by the clerk of court with the State Registrar. On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the clerk shall forward to the State […]
130A-112. Notification of death. A funeral director or person acting as such who first assumes custody of a dead body or fetus of 20 completed weeks gestation or more shall submit a notification of death to the local registrar in the county where death occurred, within 24 hours of taking custody of the body or […]
130A-113. Permits for burial-transit, authorization for cremation and disinterment-reinterment. (a) The funeral director or person acting as such who first assumes custody of a dead body or fetus which is under the jurisdiction of the medical examiner shall obtain a burial-transit permit signed by the medical examiner prior to final disposition or removal from the […]
130A-114. Fetal death registration; certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth. (a) Each spontaneous fetal death occurring in the State of 20 completed weeks gestation or more, as calculated from the first day of the last normal menstrual period until the day of delivery, shall be reported within 10 days after delivery to the local registrar […]
130A-115. Death registration. (a) A death certificate for each death which occurs in this State shall be filed with the local registrar of the county in which the death occurred within five days after the death. If the place of death is unknown, a death certificate shall be filed within five days in the county […]
130A-116. Contents of death certificate. The certificate of death shall contain those items prescribed and specified on the standard certificate of death as prepared by the federal agency responsible for national vital statistics. The State Registrar may require additional information. (1913, c. 109, s. 7; C.S., s. 7094; 1949, c. 161, s. 1; 1955, c. […]
130A-117. Persons required to keep records and provide information. (a) All persons in charge of hospitals or other institutions, public or private, to which persons resort for confinement or treatment of diseases or to which persons are committed by process of law, shall make a record of personal data concerning each person admitted or confined […]
130A-118. Amendment of birth and death certificates. (a) After acceptance for registration by the State Registrar, no record made in accordance with this Article shall be altered or changed, except by a request for amendment. The State Registrar may adopt rules governing the form of these requests and the type and amount of proof required. […]
130A-119. Clerk of Court to furnish State Registrar with facts as to paternity of children born out of wedlock when judicially determined. Upon the entry of a judgment determining the paternity of a child born out of wedlock, the clerk of court of the county in which the judgment is entered shall notify the State […]