143-48. State policy; cooperation in promoting the use of small contractors, minority contractors, physically handicapped contractors, and women contractors; purpose; required annual reports. (a) Policy. – It is the policy of this State to encourage and promote the use of small contractors, minority contractors, physically handicapped contractors, and women contractors in State purchasing of goods […]
143-48.1. Medicaid program exemption. (a) This Article shall not apply to any capitation arrangement or prepaid health service arrangement implemented or administered by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services or its delegates pursuant to the Medicaid waiver provisions of 42 U.S.C. 1396n, or to the Medicaid program authorizations under Chapter 108A of […]
143-48.2. Procurement program for nonprofit work centers for the blind and the severely disabled. (a) An agency subject to the provisions of this Article for the procurement of goods may purchase goods directly from a nonprofit work center for the blind and severely disabled, subject to the following provisions: (1) The purchase may not exceed […]
143-48.3. Electronic procurement. (a) The Department of Administration shall develop and maintain electronic or digital standards for procurement. The Department of Administration shall consult with the Office of the State Controller, the Department of Information Technology, the Department of State Auditor, the Department of State Treasurer, The University of North Carolina System Office, the Community […]
143-48.4. Statewide uniform certification of historically underutilized businesses. (a) In addition to the powers and duties provided in G.S. 143-49, the Secretary of Administration shall have the power, authority, and duty to: (1) Develop and administer a statewide uniform program for: (i) the certification of a historically underutilized business, as defined in G.S. 143-128.4, for […]
143-48.5. Contractors must use E-Verify. No contract subject to the provisions of this Article may be entered into unless the contractor and the contractor’s subcontractors comply with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the General Statutes. (2013-418, s. 2(d).)
143-48.6. Personal services contracts subject to Article. (a) Requirement. – Notwithstanding any other provision of law, personal services contracts for executive branch agencies shall be subject to the same requirements and procedures as service contracts. (b) Personal Services Contract Defined. – For purposes of this section, the term "personal services contract" means a contract for […]
143-49. Powers and duties of Secretary. The Secretary of Administration has the power and authority, and it is the Secretary’s duty, subject to the provisions of this Article: (1) To canvass sources of supply, including sources of goods with recycled content, and to purchase or to contract for the purchase, lease and lease-purchase of all […]
143-49.1. Purchases by volunteer nonprofit fire department and lifesaving and rescue squad. In consideration of public service, any volunteer nonprofit fire department, lifesaving and rescue squad in this State may purchase gas, oil, and tires for their official vehicles and any other materials and supplies under State contract through the Department of Administration, and may […]
143-50. Certain contractual powers exercised by other departments transferred to Secretary. All rights, powers, duties and authority relating to State printing, or to the acquisition of supplies, materials, equipment, and contractual services, now imposed upon or exercised by any State department, institution or agency under the several statutes relating thereto, are hereby transferred to the […]
143-50.1. Division of Purchase and Contract; Contract Management Section. (a) The Contract Management Section (CMS) is established in the Division of Purchase and Contract, Department of Administration. The CMS shall include legal counsel with the duties and responsibilities included in this section. (b) Unless otherwise provided in G.S. 114-8.3(b) or (b1), or in this section, […]
143-51. Reports to Secretary required of all agencies as to needs and purchases. (a) It shall be the duty of all departments, institutions, or agencies of the State government to furnish to the Secretary of Administration when requested, and on forms to be prescribed by him, estimates of all goods and services needed and required […]
143-52. Competitive bidding procedure; consolidation of estimates by Secretary; bids; awarding of contracts; cost plus percentage of cost contracts strictly prohibited. (a) The Secretary of Administration shall compile and consolidate all estimates of goods and services needed and required by State departments, institutions and agencies to determine the total requirements of any given commodity. Where […]
143-52.1. Award recommendations; State Purchasing Officer action. (a) Award Recommendation. – When the dollar value of a contract to be awarded under Article 3 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes exceeds the benchmark established pursuant to G.S. 143-53.1, an award recommendation shall be submitted to the State Purchasing Officer for approval or other action. […]
143-52.3. Multiple award schedule contracts. (a) Definitions. – The following definitions apply in this section: (1) Communications equipment. – Mobile communications systems, desktop communications systems, base and repeater communications systems, gateway devices, audio switch units, radio routers, microwave radios, microwave antennae, Ethernet switches, wireless access points, or equivalent products and attachments. (2) Construction equipment. – […]
143-53. Rules. (a) The Secretary of Administration may adopt rules governing the following: (1) Prescribing the routine and procedures to be followed in canvassing bids and awarding contracts, and for reviewing decisions made pursuant thereto, and the decision of the reviewing body shall be the final administrative review. The Division of Purchase and Contract shall […]
143-53.1. Setting of benchmarks; increase by Secretary. (a) On and after July 1, 2014, the procedures prescribed by G.S. 143-52 with respect to competitive bids and the bid value benchmark authorized by G.S. 143-53(a)(2) with respect to rule making by the Secretary of Administration for competitive bidding shall promote compliance with the principles of procurement […]
143-54. Certification that bids were submitted without collusion. (a) The Director of Administration shall require bidders to certify that each bid is submitted competitively and without collusion. False certification is a Class I felony. (b) Expired. (1961, c. 963; 1971, c. 587, s. 1; 1993, c. 539, s. 1310; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. […]
143-55. Requisitioning by agencies; must purchase through sources certified. (a) Unless otherwise provided by law, where sources of supply have been established by contract and certified by the Secretary of Administration to the said departments, institutions and agencies as herein provided for, it shall be the duty of all departments, institutions and agencies to make […]
143-56. Certain purchases excepted from provisions of Article. Unless as may otherwise be ordered by the Secretary of Administration, the purchase of supplies, materials and equipment through the Secretary of Administration shall be mandatory in the following cases: (1) Published books, manuscripts, maps, pamphlets and periodicals. (2) Perishable articles such as fresh vegetables, fresh fish, […]