160D-1101. Definitions. As used in this Article, the following terms shall have their ordinary meaning and shall also be read to include the following: (1) Building or buildings. – Includes other structures. (2) Governing board or board of commissioners. – Includes the Tribal Council of a federally recognized Indian tribe. (3) Local government. – Includes […]
160D-1102. Building code administration. A local government may create an inspection department and may appoint inspectors who may be given appropriate titles, such as building inspector, electrical inspector, plumbing inspector, housing inspector, zoning inspector, heating and air-conditioning inspector, fire prevention inspector, or deputy or assistant inspector, or another title generally descriptive of the duties assigned. […]
160D-1103. Qualifications of inspectors. No local government shall employ an inspector to enforce the State Building Code who does not have one of the following types of certificates issued by the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board attesting to the inspector’s qualifications to hold such position: (i) a probationary certificate, (ii) a standard certificate, or […]
160D-1104. Duties and responsibilities. (a) The duties and responsibilities of an inspection department and of the inspectors in it are to enforce within their planning and development regulation jurisdiction State and local laws relating to the following: (1) The construction of buildings and other structures. (2) The installation of such facilities as plumbing systems, electrical […]
160D-1104.1. Remote inspection alternative. An inspection department shall implement remote inspection procedures in accordance with criteria and procedures developed pursuant to G.S. 143-139(b)(3). An inspection department must provide the option to elect remote inspections for a project to a building permit applicant. An inspection department must specify the extent to which a project is eligible […]
160D-1105. Other arrangements for inspections. A local government may contract with an individual who is not a local government employee but who holds one of the applicable certificates as provided in G.S. 160D-1103 or with the employer of an individual who holds one of the applicable certificates as provided in G.S. 160D-1103. (2019-111, s. 2.4; […]
160D-1106. Alternate inspection method for component or element. (a) Notwithstanding the requirements of this Article, a local government shall accept and approve, without further responsibility to inspect, a design or other proposal for a component or element in the construction of buildings from an architect licensed under Chapter 83A of the General Statutes or professional […]
160D-1107. Mutual aid contracts. (a) Any two or more cities or counties may enter into contracts with each other to provide mutual aid and assistance in the administration and enforcement of State and local laws pertaining to the North Carolina State Building Code. Mutual aid contracts may include provisions addressing the scope of aid provided, […]
160D-1108. Conflicts of interest. Staff members, agents, or contractors responsible for building inspections shall comply with G.S. 160D-109(c). No member of an inspection department shall be financially interested or employed by a business that is financially interested in the furnishing of labor, material, or appliances for the construction, alteration, or maintenance of any building within […]
160D-1109. Failure to perform duties. (a) If any member of an inspection department shall willfully fail to perform the duties required by law, or willfully shall improperly issue a building permit, or shall give a certificate of compliance without first making the inspections required by law, or willfully shall improperly give a certificate of compliance, […]
160D-1110. Building permits. (a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, no person shall commence or proceed with any of the following without first securing all permits required by the State Building Code and any other State or local laws applicable to any of the following activities: (1) The construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, […]
160D-1111. Expiration of building permits. A building permit issued pursuant to this Article expires by limitation six months, or any lesser time fixed by ordinance, after the date of issuance if the work authorized by the permit has not been commenced. If, after commencement, the work is discontinued for a period of 12 months, the […]
160D-1112. Changes in work. After a building permit has been issued, no changes or deviations from the terms of the application, plans and specifications, or the permit, except where changes or deviations are clearly permissible under the State Building Code, shall be made until specific written approval of proposed changes or deviations has been obtained […]
160D-1113. Inspections of work in progress. Subject to the limitation imposed by G.S. 160D-1104(d), as the work pursuant to a building permit progresses, local inspectors shall make as many inspections thereof as may be necessary to satisfy them that the work is being done according to the provisions of any applicable State and local laws […]
160D-1114. Appeals of stop orders. (a) The owner or builder may appeal from a stop order involving alleged violation of the State Building Code or any approved local modification thereof to the North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance or his designee within a period of five days after the order is issued. Notice of appeal shall […]
160D-1115. Revocation of building permits. The appropriate inspector may revoke and require the return of any building permit by notifying the permit holder in writing stating the reason for the revocation. Building permits shall be revoked for any substantial departure from the approved application, plans, or specifications; for refusal or failure to comply with the […]
160D-1116. Certificates of compliance; temporary certificates of occupancy. (a) At the conclusion of all work done under a building permit, the appropriate inspector shall make a final inspection, and, if the completed work complies with all applicable State and local laws and with the terms of the permit, the inspector shall issue a certificate of […]
160D-1117. Periodic inspections. The inspection department may make periodic inspections, subject to the governing board’s directions, for unsafe, unsanitary, or otherwise hazardous and unlawful conditions in buildings or structures within its planning and development regulation jurisdiction. In exercising this power, members of the department shall have a right to enter on any premises within the […]
160D-1118. Defects in buildings to be corrected. When a local inspector finds any defects in a building, or finds that the building has not been constructed in accordance with the applicable State and local laws, or that a building because of its condition is dangerous or contains fire hazardous conditions, it shall be the inspector’s […]
160D-1119. Unsafe buildings condemned. (a) Designation of Unsafe Buildings. – Every building that shall appear to the inspector to be especially dangerous to life because of its liability to fire or because of bad condition of walls, overloaded floors, defective construction, decay, unsafe wiring or heating systems, inadequate means of egress, or other causes shall […]