US Lawyer Database

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§ 160D-601 – Procedure for adopting, amending, or repealing development regulations.

160D-601. Procedure for adopting, amending, or repealing development regulations. (a) Hearing with Published Notice. – Before adopting, amending, or repealing any ordinance or development regulation authorized by this Chapter, the governing board shall hold a legislative hearing. A notice of the hearing shall be given once a week for two successive calendar weeks in a […]

§ 160D-602 – Notice of hearing on proposed zoning map amendments.

160D-602. Notice of hearing on proposed zoning map amendments. (a) Mailed Notice. – Subject to the limitations of this Chapter, an ordinance shall provide for the manner in which zoning regulations and the boundaries of zoning districts are to be determined, established, and enforced, and from time to time amended, supplemented, or changed, in accordance […]

§ 160D-603 – Citizen comments.

160D-603. Citizen comments. Subject to the limitations of this Chapter, zoning regulations may from time to time be amended, supplemented, changed, modified, or repealed. If any resident or property owner in the local government submits a written statement regarding a proposed amendment, modification, or repeal to a zoning regulation, including a text or map amendment […]

§ 160D-604 – Planning board review and comment.

160D-604. Planning board review and comment. (a) Initial Zoning. – In order to exercise zoning powers conferred by this Chapter for the first time, a local government shall create or designate a planning board under the provisions of this Article or a local act of the General Assembly. The planning board shall prepare or shall […]

§ 160D-605 – Governing board statement.

160D-605. Governing board statement. (a) Plan Consistency. – When adopting or rejecting any zoning text or map amendment, the governing board shall approve a brief statement describing whether its action is consistent or inconsistent with an adopted comprehensive or land-use plan. The requirement for a plan consistency statement may also be met by a clear […]