18B-1114.4. Viticulture/Enology course authorization. (a) Authorization. – The holder of a viticulture/enology course authorization may: (1) Manufacture wine from grapes grown on the school’s campus or the school’s contracted or leased property for the purpose of providing instruction and education on the making of unfortified wines. (2) Possess wines manufactured during the viticulture/enology program for […]
18B-1114.5. Authorization of malt beverage special event permit. (a) Authorization. – The holder of a brewery permit, a malt beverages importer permit, a brewing, distillation, and fermentation course authorization, a nonresident malt beverage vendor permit, or a vendor representative permit may obtain a malt beverage special event permit allowing the permittee to give free tastings […]
18B-1114.6. Brewing, Distillation, and Fermentation course authorization. (a) Authorization. – The holder of a brewing, distillation, and fermentation course authorization may: (1) Manufacture malt beverages on the school’s campus or the school’s contracted or leased property for the purpose of providing instruction and education on the making of malt beverages. (2) Possess malt beverages manufactured […]
18B-1114.7. Authorization of spirituous liquor special event permit. (a) Authorization. – The holder of a supplier representative permit, brokerage representative permit, nonresident spirituous liquor vendor permit, or distillery permit issued under G.S. 18B-1105 may obtain a spirituous liquor special event permit allowing the permittee to give free tastings of its spirituous liquors at ABC stores […]
18B-1115. Commercial transportation. (a) Permit Required. – Unless a person holds a permit which otherwise allows him to transport more than 80 liters of malt beverages other than draft malt beverages in kegs, 50 liters of unfortified wine, or eight liters of fortified wine or spirituous liquor, or is a retailer authorized to transport alcoholic […]
18B-1116. Exclusive outlets prohibited. (a) Prohibitions. – It shall be unlawful for any manufacturer, bottler, or wholesaler of any alcoholic beverages, or for any officer, director, or affiliate thereof, either directly or indirectly to: (1) Require that an alcoholic beverage retailer purchase any alcoholic beverages from that person to the full or partial exclusion of […]
18B-1118. Purchase restrictions. The holder of a malt beverage wholesaler, wine wholesaler, malt beverage importer, wine importer, or bottler permit may not purchase malt beverages or wine for resale in this State from a nonresident who does not have the proper nonresident vendor permit. (1985, c. 114, s. 3.)
18B-1119. Supplier’s financial interest in wholesaler. (a) A supplier or an officer, director, employee or affiliate of a supplier may not acquire, possess, or otherwise maintain an ownership interest in a wholesaler except as expressly authorized by this Chapter. (b) Repealed by Session Laws 2018-100, s. 7(b), effective June 26, 2018. (c) A supplier or […]
18B-1120. Noncontiguous storage locations. A brewery, winery, or distillery may store any alcoholic beverages it manufactures pursuant to a permit issued under this Article at a noncontiguous storage location approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. The permittee must notify the Commission of any storage location used pursuant to this section. Any […]
18B-1121. Authority to sample for sensory analysis, quality control, or educational purposes. Except as otherwise prohibited under Article 3 of this Chapter, a commercial permittee licensed under this Article, or its agent or employee, may consume samples of alcoholic beverages it is licensed to sell, free of charge, for purposes of sensory analysis, quality control, […]
18B-1122. Minimum standard of fill for malt beverages. Malt beverages may be produced, bottled, imported, distributed, and sold in sealed containers which are 50 milliliters or more in volume. The Commission shall not limit or restrict the size of an individual malt beverage container allowed for sale in this State, provided that the container is […]