54-109.10. Creation and supervision of Division. There shall be established in the North Carolina Department of Commerce a Credit Union Division which shall be under the supervision of the Administrator of Credit Unions appointed by the Secretary of Commerce. The Credit Union Division and the Administrator of Credit Unions shall be under the general direction […]
54-109.11. Duties of Administrator. The duties of the Administrator of Credit Unions shall be as follows: (1) To organize and conduct in the State Department of Commerce, a bureau of information in regard to cooperative associations and rural and industrial credits. (2) Upon request, to furnish, without cost, such printed information and blank forms as, […]
54-109.12. Corporations organized hereunder subject to Administrator of Credit Unions; rules and regulations. In addition to any and all other powers, duties and functions vested in the Administrator of Credit Unions under the provisions of this Article, the Administrator of Credit Unions shall have general control, management and supervision over all corporations organized under the […]
54-109.13. Revocation of certificate; liquidation. If any such corporation shall neglect to make its annual report, as provided in this Article, or any other report required by the Administrator of Credit Unions for more than 15 days, or shall fail to pay the charges required, including the fines for delay in filing reports, the Administrator […]
54-109.14. Fees. (a) Each credit union subject to supervision and examination by the Administrator of Credit Unions, including credit unions in process of voluntary liquidation, shall pay into the office of the Administrator of Credit Unions twice each year, in the months of January and July, supervision fees, except those credit unions which liquidate or […]
54-109.15. Reports. (a) Credit unions organized under Articles 14A to 14L of this Chapter shall, in January and in July of each year, make a report of condition to the Administrator of Credit Unions on forms supplied for that purpose. Additional reports may be required. (b) Any credit union that neglects to make semiannual reports […]
54-109.16. Examinations required; payment of cost. The Administrator of Credit Unions shall cause every credit union formed under Article 14A of this Chapter to be examined once every 18 months or whenever the Administrator deems it necessary. The examiners appointed by the Administrator shall be given free access to all books, papers, securities, and other […]
54-109.17. Records. (a) A credit union shall maintain all books, records, accounting systems and procedures in accordance with such rules as the Administrator from time to time prescribes. In prescribing such rules, the Administrator shall consider the relative size of a credit union and its reasonable capability of compliance. (b) A credit union is not […]
54-109.18. Selection of attorneys to handle loan-closing proceedings. The Administrator of Credit Unions shall establish rules and regulations relating to selection of attorneys-at-law to handle credit union loan closing proceedings. (1977, c. 559, s. 10.)
54-109.19. Removal of officers. (a) The Administrator of Credit Unions shall have the right and is hereby empowered to serve a written notice of his intention to remove from office any officer, director, committeeman or employee of any credit union doing business under Articles 14A through 15A of this Chapter who shall be found to […]