54-110.1. Definition and purposes. (a) A corporate credit union may be incorporated under this Article and shall be subject to all parts of this Chapter not inconsistent with this Article. (b) A corporate credit union is a cooperative nonprofit association whose members consist primarily of other credit unions and whose purposes are: (1) To accumulate […]
54-110.10. Applicability of Article. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as affecting the status of a central association formed prior to the enactment of this Article pursuant to former G.S. 54-110. For the purposes of this Article, the corporate credit union authorized by G.S. 54-110.3 shall be the central association in existence on June […]
54-110.2. Membership. (a) Membership in the corporate credit union shall be institutional and be limited to the subscribers to the articles of incorporation, credit unions organized under Chapter 54 of the General Statutes, the Federal Credit Union Act or any other credit union act, organizations or associations of credit unions, and such other persons or […]
54-110.3. Charter and name exclusive. Only one corporate credit union shall be incorporated under this Article; and no other credit union may use the term "corporate credit union" as a part of its name. (1983, c. 470.)
54-110.4. Organization. (a) Application to form a corporate credit union shall be made in writing to the Administrator of Credit Unions. The application shall contain the names of at least 15 credit unions which have agreed to subscribe to shares in the corporate credit union at the time the application is made. (b) The application […]
54-110.5. Powers and privileges. (a) A corporate credit union shall enjoy the powers and privileges of any other credit union incorporated under Chapter 54 of the General Statutes in addition to those powers enumerated in this Article, notwithstanding any limitations or restrictions found elsewhere in this Article. (b) A corporate credit union may: (1) Accept […]
54-110.6. Participation in central system. The corporate credit union may enter into agreements for the purpose of participation in any state or federal central liquidity facility or central financial system for credit unions, and for the purpose of aiding credit unions in establishing concentrated lines of credit with other financial institutions and act as a […]
54-110.7. Right of set-off; security interest. (a) The corporate credit union shall have a right of immediate set-off against the balances of the share and deposit accounts of each member for any amounts due from the member to the corporate credit union. (b) The corporate credit union shall have a lien on all share and […]
54-110.8. Fees. The operating fees established by the Administrator of Credit Unions shall make allowances for the special purposes and operations of a corporate credit union. (1983, c. 470.)
54-110.9. Reserves. A corporate credit union shall be exempt from the regular reserve requirements of Article 14J, but shall be required to establish and maintain an equity reserve to meet losses, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Administrator of Credit Unions. (1983, c. 470.)