54-129. Declaration of policy. In order to promote, foster, and encourage the intelligent and orderly producing and marketing of agricultural products through cooperation, and to eliminate speculation and waste, and to make the distribution of agricultural products as direct as can be efficiently done between producer and consumer, and to stabilize the marketing problems of […]
54-130. Definitions and nature. As used in this Subchapter- (1) Agricultural Products. – The term "agricultural products" shall include horticultural, viticultural, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee, and any farm products. (2) Association. – The term "association" means a. Any corporation organized under this Subchapter; or b. Any foreign corporation which 1. Is organized under any […]
54-131. Who may organize. Three or more persons engaged in the production of agricultural products may form a nonprofit, cooperative association, with or without capital stock, under the provisions of this Subchapter. (1921, c. 87, s. 3; C.S., s. 5259(c); 1979, c. 908, s. 1.)
54-132. Purposes. An association may be organized to engage in any activity in connection with the producing, marketing or selling of the agricultural products of its members and other farmers, or with the harvesting, preserving, drying, processing, canning, packing, storing, handling, shipping, or utilization thereof, of the manufacturing or marketing of the by-products thereof; or […]
54-133. Preliminary investigation. Every group of persons contemplating the organization of an association under this Subchapter is urged to communicate with the Chief of the Division of Markets, who will inform it whatever a survey of the marketing conditions affecting the commodities to be handled by the proposed association indicates regarding probable success. (1921, c. […]
54-134. Articles of incorporation. Each association formed under this Subchapter must prepare and file articles of incorporation, setting forth: (1) The name of the association. (2) The purposes for which it is formed. (3) The place where its principal business will be transacted. (4) The period of duration, which may be perpetual. When the articles […]
54-135. Amendments to articles of incorporation. (a) An association may amend its charter from time to time in any and as many respects as may be desired, so long as its charter as amended contains only such provisions as are lawful under this Subchapter. (b) Amendments to the charter shall be made as follows: The […]
54-136. Bylaws. Each association incorporated under this Subchapter must, within 30 days after its incorporation, adopt for its government and management a code of bylaws, not inconsistent with the powers granted by this Subchapter. A majority vote of a quorum of the members or stockholders attending a meeting, of which notice of the proposed bylaw […]
54-137. General and special meetings; how called. In its bylaws each association shall provide for one or more regular meetings annually. The board of directors shall have the right to call a special meeting at any time, and ten percent (10%) of the members or stockholders may file a petition stating the specific business to […]
54-138. Conflicting laws not to apply. Any provisions of law which are in conflict with this Subchapter shall not be construed as applying to the associations herein provided for. (1921, c. 87, s. 20; C.S., s. 5259(j).)
54-139. Foreign cooperative corporations; limitation on use of word "cooperative." (a) A foreign corporation (with or without capital stock) that can qualify as an association, as defined in G.S. 54-130(2)b1 and 2, may be authorized to transact business in this State under the provisions of Chapter 55A of the General Statutes. (b) No person other […]
54-140. Association heretofore organized may adopt the provisions of this Subchapter. Any corporation or association organized under previously existing statutes may, by a majority vote of its stockholders or members, be brought under the provisions of this Subchapter by limiting its membership and adopting the other restrictions as provided herein. It shall make out in […]
54-141. Associations not in restraint of trade. No association organized hereunder shall be deemed to be a combination in restraint of trade or an illegal monopoly; or an attempt to lessen competition or fix prices arbitrarily, nor shall the marketing contracts or agreements between the association and its members, or any agreements authorized in this […]
54-142. Application of North Carolina Business Corporation Act to cooperative associations with capital stock. The provisions of the North Carolina Business Corporation Act (Chapter 55 of the General Statutes) shall apply, so far as appropriate, to every cooperative association with capital stock heretofore or hereafter organized or domesticated under this Subchapter, except where the provisions […]
54-142.1. Application of Nonprofit Corporation Act to cooperative associations without capital stock. The provisions of the Nonprofit Corporation Act (Chapter 55A of the General Statutes) shall apply, so far as appropriate, to every cooperative association without capital stock heretofore or hereafter organized or domesticated under this Subchapter, except where the provisions of that act are […]
54-143. License taxes. On and after June 1, 1955, the provisions of Article 2, Subchapter I of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina shall apply to an association or corporation organized under the provisions of this Subchapter. (1921, c. 87, s. 29; C.S., s. 5259(p); 1955, c. 1313, s. 1.)
54-143.1. Franchise taxes. On and after July 1, 1955, the provisions of Article 3, Subchapter I of Chapter 105 of the General Statutes of North Carolina shall apply to an association or corporation organized under the provisions of this Subchapter. (1955, c. 1313, s. 1.)
54-144. Filing fees. For filing articles of incorporation, an association organized hereunder shall pay ten dollars ($10.00); and for filing an amendment to the articles, two and one-half dollars ($2.50). (1921, c. 87, s. 30; C.S., s. 5259(q).)