57D-4-01. Form of contributions. An interest owner may make contributions to the LLC in any form, including (i) money or other property, services rendered, or any other direct or indirect benefit to the LLC and (ii) promissory notes or other obligations to transfer money or other property, perform services, or provide any other direct or […]
57D-4-02. Liability for contributions. If an interest owner has contributed a promissory note or other obligation to transfer money or other property, to perform services, or to provide other benefits to the LLC and the interest owner would but for this section be excused from the performance of that obligation by reason of the interest […]
57D-4-03. Interim distributions. Distributions to interest owners before the dissolution and winding up of the LLC or, as provided in G.S. 57D-6-08(2), after the dissolution of the LLC, may be made at such times and in such amounts as determined by the LLC in proportion to the ratios that the aggregate contribution amounts of the […]
57D-4-04. Distribution in kind. An LLC may distribute property other than money if the interest owners receive interests of identical character in, or units of identical character of, such property in the same proportions as if the distribution were being made in money equal to the net value of the property being distributed. (2013-157, s. […]
57D-4-05. Restrictions on making distributions. (a) No distribution may be made by an LLC if, after giving effect to the distribution, either of the following would occur: (1) The LLC would not be able to pay its debts as they become due in the ordinary course of business. (2) The LLC’s total liabilities would exceed […]
57D-4-06. Liability for wrongful distributions. (a) If a distribution is made in violation of G.S. 57D-4-05, then each manager or other company official who alone or with other company officials had the authority to and did approve the distribution is personally liable to the LLC but not any other person for the amount of the […]
57D-4-07. Right to distribution. An interest owner who is entitled to receive a distribution has the status of and is entitled to all remedies available to a creditor of the LLC with respect to the distribution. (2013-157, s. 2.)