66-131. Definition. For the purpose of this Article, a "discount buying club" is any person, firm or corporation, which in exchange for any valuable consideration offers to sell or to arrange the sale of goods or services to its customers at prices represented to be lower than are generally available. "Discount buying club" shall not […]
66-132. Contracts to be in writing. (a) Every contract between a discount buying club and its customers shall be in writing, fully completed, dated and signed by all contracting parties. A copy of the completed contract shall be given to the buyer at the time he signs it. The contract shall in clear, conspicuous and […]
66-133. Customer’s right to cancel. (a) In addition to any other right to revoke an offer or cancel a sale or contract, the customer has the right to cancel a contract for the services of a discount buying club until midnight of the third business day after the buyer signs a contract which complies with […]
66-134. Prohibited acts. Discount buying clubs shall not: (1) Represent to any potential customer that his opportunity to join is limited in time or that his delay in joining may subject him to an increased price. This shall not preclude reference to a general price increase that will take effect on a specified date. (2) […]
66-135. Bond and trust account required. (a) Every discount buying club shall obtain and maintain a bond from a surety company licensed to do business in North Carolina. Such bond shall be in an amount not less than one hundred times the one-time or annual membership fee, or fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), whichever is greater. […]
66-136. Remedies. (a) Any person injured by a violation of this Article, or breach of any obligation created by this Article or contract subject thereto, may bring an action for recovery of damages, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. (b) The violation of any provision of this Article shall constitute an unfair act or practice under G.S. […]
66-137. Taxes. Discount buying clubs must pay North Carolina sales taxes and other applicable North Carolina taxes. (1989, c. 495, s. 4.)