77-12. Obstructing passage of boats. If any person shall obstruct the free passage of boats along any river or creek, by felling trees, or by any other means whatever, he shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. (1796, c. 460, s. 2; R.C., c. 100, s. 6; Code, s. 3711; Rev., s. 3561; C.S., […]
77-13. Obstructing streams a misdemeanor. If any person, firm, or corporation shall fell any tree, or put any obstruction, except for the purposes of utilizing water as a motive power, in any branch, creek, stream, or other natural passage for water, whereby the natural flow of water through such passage is lessened or retarded, or […]
77-14. Obstructions in streams and drainage ditches. If any person, firm or corporation shall fell any tree or put any slabs, stumpage, sawdust, shavings, lime, refuse or any other substances in any creek, stream, river or natural or artificial drainage ravine or ditch, or in any other outlet which serves to remove water from any […]