7A-805. Establishment and purpose. There is created the Conference of Clerks of Superior Court of North Carolina, of which each clerk of superior court is a member. The purpose of the Conference is to assist in improving the administration of justice in North Carolina by coordinating the efforts of the various clerks of superior court, […]
7A-806. Annual meetings; organization; election of officers. (a) Annual Meetings. – The Conference shall meet each summer and winter at a time and place selected by the President of the Conference. (b) Election of Officers. – Officers of the Conference are a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and other officers from among […]
7A-807. Powers of Conference. (a) The Conference may: (1) Cooperate with citizens and other public and private agencies to promote the effective administration of justice. (2) Develop advisory manuals to assist in the organization and administration of their offices, case management, calendaring, case tracking, filing, and office procedures. (3) Work with the cooperation of the […]
7A-808. Executive secretary; clerical support. The Conference may employ an executive secretary and any necessary supporting staff to assist it in carrying out its duties. (2005-100, s. 1.)