87-1. "General contractor" defined; exceptions. (a) For the purpose of this Article any person or firm or corporation who for a fixed price, commission, fee, or wage, undertakes to bid upon or to construct or who undertakes to superintend or manage, on his own behalf or for any person, firm, or corporation that is not […]
87-1.1. Exception for licensees under Article 2 or 4. G.S. 87-1 shall not apply to a licensee under Article 2 or 4 of this Chapter of the General Statutes, G.S. 87-43 shall not apply to a licensee under Article 2 of this Chapter of the General Statutes, and G.S. 87-21(a)(5) shall not apply to a […]
87-1.2. Exception for specified Department of Transportation contractors. The letting of contracts for the types of projects specified in G.S. 136-28.14 shall not be subject to the licensing requirement of this Article. (2006-261, s. 2.)
87-10. Application for license; examination; certificate; renewal. (a) Anyone seeking to be licensed as a general contractor in this State shall submit an application. Before being entitled to an examination, an applicant shall: (1) Be at least 18 years of age. (2) Possess good moral character as determined by the Board. (3) Provide evidence of […]
87-10.1. Licensing of nonresidents. (a) Definitions. – The following definitions apply in this section: (1) Delinquent income tax debt. – The amount of income tax due as stated in a final notice of assessment issued to a taxpayer by the Secretary of Revenue when the taxpayer no longer has the right to contest the amount. […]
87-10.2. Continuing education. (a) As a condition of license renewal, at least one qualifier or qualifying party of a licensee holding a building contractor, residential contractor, or unclassified contractor license classification shall complete, on an annual basis, eight hours of continuing education approved in accordance with this section. Where an entity holding a building contractor, […]
87-11. Revocation of license; charges of fraud, negligence, incompetency, etc.; hearing thereon; reissuance of certificate. (a) The Board shall have the power to refuse to issue or renew or revoke, suspend, or restrict a certificate of license or to issue a reprimand or take other disciplinary action if a general contractor licensed under this Article […]
87-12. Certificate evidence of license. The issuance of a certificate of license or limited license by this Board shall be evidence that the person, firm, or corporation named therein is entitled to all the rights and privileges of a licensed or limited licensed general contractor while said license remains unrevoked or unexpired. A licensed general […]
87-13. Unauthorized practice of contracting; impersonating contractor; false certificate; giving false evidence to Board; penalties. Any person, firm, or corporation not being duly authorized who shall contract for or bid upon the construction of any of the projects or works enumerated in G.S. 87-1, without having first complied with the provisions hereof, or who shall […]
87-13.1. Board may seek injunctive relief; attorney’s fee. Whenever the Board determines that any person, firm or corporation has violated or is violating any of the provisions of this Article or rules and regulations of the Board promulgated under this Article, the Board may apply to the superior court for a restraining order and injunction […]
87-14. Regulations as to issue of building permits. (a) Any person, firm, or corporation, upon making application to the building inspector or such other authority of any incorporated city, town, or county in North Carolina charged with the duty of issuing building or other permits for the construction of any building, highway, sewer, grading, or […]
87-15. Copy of Article included in specifications; bid not considered unless contractor licensed. All architects and engineers preparing plans and specifications for work to be contracted in the State of North Carolina shall include in their invitations to bidders and in their specifications a copy of this Article or such portions thereof as are deemed […]
87-15.1. Reciprocity of licensing. To the extent that other states which provide for the licensing of general contractors provide for similar action, the Board in its discretion may grant licenses of the same or equivalent classification to general contractors licensed by other states, without written examination upon satisfactory proof furnished to the Board that the […]
87-15.2. Public awareness program. The Board shall establish and implement a public awareness program to inform the general public of the purpose and function of the Board. (1979, c. 713, s. 4.)
87-15.3. Identity of complaining party confidential. Once a complaint has been filed with the Board against a licensee or an unlicensed general contractor, the Board may, in its discretion, keep the identity of a complaining party confidential and not a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes until a time […]
87-15.4. Builder designations created. (a) A licensee who successfully completes the educational requirements for accredited builder or accredited master builder, as established by the North Carolina Builders Institute (Institute), shall be designated by the Board as a "North Carolina Certified Accredited Residential Builder" or "North Carolina Certified Accredited Master Residential Builder," respectively. The Institute shall […]
87-2. Licensing Board; organization. There is created the State Licensing Board for General Contractors consisting of nine members appointed by the Governor for staggered five-year terms. Five of the members shall be general contractors, one member shall be a registered engineer who practices structural engineering, and three shall be public members. Of the general contractor […]
87-3. Members of Board to take oath. Each member of the Board shall, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, take and file with the Secretary of State an oath in writing to properly perform the duties of his office as a member of said Board and to uphold the Constitution […]
87-4. First meeting of Board; officers; secretary-treasurer and assistants. The said Board shall, within 30 days after its appointment by the Governor, meet in the City of Raleigh, at a time and place to be designated by the Governor, and organize by electing a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a secretary-treasurer, each to serve for one […]
87-5. Seal of Board. The Board shall adopt a seal for its own use. The seal shall have the words "North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors" and the secretary shall have charge, care and custody thereof. (1925, c. 318, s. 5; 1979, c. 713, s. 7.)