Effective: September 30, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 – 134th General Assembly (A) The educational regional service system is hereby established. The system shall support state and regional education initiatives and efforts to improve school effectiveness and student achievement. Services, including special education and related services, shall be provided under the system to school […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 79 – 126th General Assembly (A) There shall be the following sixteen regions in the educational regional service system: (1) Region one shall consist of the territory contained in Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert, Williams, and Wood counties. (2) Region […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 79 – 126th General Assembly (A) Each region of the educational regional service system shall have an advisory council. Except as provided in division (F) of this section, each advisory council shall consist of the following members and the members appointed under division (B) of this section: […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 79 – 126th General Assembly The advisory council of each region of the educational regional service system shall do all of the following: (A) Identify regional needs and priorities for educational services to inform the department of education in the development of the performance contracts entered into […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 79 – 126th General Assembly (A) The advisory council of each region of the educational regional service system shall establish the following specialized subcommittees of the council: (1) A school improvement subcommittee, which shall include one classroom teacher appointed jointly by the Ohio education association and the […]
Effective: September 28, 2006 Latest Legislation: House Bill 115 – 126th General Assembly Each advisory council subcommittee established under section 3312.05 of the Revised Code shall make recommendations to the advisory council regarding the implementation of state and regional education initiatives and school improvement efforts in the subcommittee’s area of specialization. The recommendations may include […]
Effective: September 28, 2006 Latest Legislation: House Bill 115 – 126th General Assembly (A) Not later than January 31, 2007, the department of education shall select a school district or educational service center in each region of the educational regional service system to be the fiscal agent for the region. For this purpose, the department […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly Each fiscal agent selected by the department of education pursuant to section 3312.07 of the Revised Code shall do all of the following: (A) Enter into performance contracts with the department in accordance with section 3312.09 of the Revised Code for the […]
Effective: June 30, 2011 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 171 – 129th General Assembly (A) Each performance contract entered into by the department of education and the fiscal agent of a region for implementation of a state or regional education initiative or school improvement effort shall include the following: (1) An explanation of how the regional […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 79 – 126th General Assembly The board of education of a city, exempted village, or local school district or the governing authority of a community school may enter into an agreement, through the adoption of identical resolutions, with the governing authority of an information technology center, under […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 79 – 126th General Assembly The department of education shall consider the following when entering into performance contracts with the fiscal agent of each region of the educational regional service system and when allocating funds for the implementation of statewide education initiatives by regional service providers; (A) […]