Effective: January 3, 1956 Latest Legislation: House Bill 212 – 101st General Assembly The state school for the deaf and the state school for the blind shall be under the control and supervision of the state board of education. On the recommendation of the superintendent of public instruction, the state board of education shall appoint […]
Effective: September 29, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 119 – 127th General Assembly Subject to the regulations adopted by the state board of education, the state school for the deaf shall be open to receive persons who are deaf, partially deaf, and both blind and deaf residents of this state, who, in the judgment of […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly (A) As used in this chapter, “visual impairment” means blindness, partial blindness, deaf-blindness, or multiple disabilities if one of the disabilities is vision related. (B) Subject to the regulations adopted by the state board of education, the state school for the blind […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly The superintendent of the state school for the deaf or the superintendent of the state school for the blind may return to its parents, guardian, or proper agency any pupil under his jurisdiction, who, in the opinion of such superintendent and the […]
Effective: August 29, 1991 Latest Legislation: House Bill 143 – 119th General Assembly The superintendent of the state school for the deaf and the superintendent of the state school for the blind, with the approval of the superintendent of public instruction, shall, for their respective schools and subject to the rules and regulations of the […]
Effective: January 3, 1956 Latest Legislation: House Bill 212 – 101st General Assembly The state board of education may provide for the further and higher education of any blind pupils, who in its judgment are capable of receiving sufficient benefit to render them more efficient as citizens, by appointing readers for such persons to read […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly (A) The state board of education shall institute and establish a program of education by the department of education to train parents of deaf or hard of hearing children of preschool age. The object and purpose of the educational program shall be […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly The state board of education in carrying out this section and division (A) of section 3325.06 of the Revised Code shall, insofar as practicable, plan, present, and carry into effect an educational program by means of any of the following methods of […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly The state board of education in carrying out this section and division (B) of section 3325.06 of the Revised Code shall, insofar as practicable, plan, present, and carry into effect an educational program by means of any of the following methods of […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly (A) A diploma shall be granted by the superintendent of the state school for the blind and the superintendent of the state school for the deaf to any student enrolled in one of these state schools to whom all of the following […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly (A) The state board of education shall institute and establish career-technical education and work training programs for secondary and post-secondary students whose disabilities are visual impairments. These programs shall develop communication, mobility, and work skills and assist students in becoming productive members […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly The state school for the blind may receive and administer any federal funds relating to the education of students whose disabilities are visual impairments, including secondary and post-secondary students. The school for the blind also may accept and administer any gifts, donations, […]
Effective: June 30, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly There is hereby created in the state treasury the state school for the blind student activity and work-study fund. Moneys received from donations, bequests, the school vocational program, and any other moneys designated for deposit in the fund by the superintendent of […]
Effective: March 30, 2006 Latest Legislation: House Bill 530 – 126th General Assembly Money deposited with the superintendent of the state school for the blind and the superintendent of the state school for the deaf by parents, relatives, guardians, and friends for the special benefit of any pupil shall remain in the hands of the […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The state school for the blind employees food service fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of payments received from employees who make purchases from the school’s food service program. Notwithstanding section 3325.01 of the Revised Code, […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The state school for the deaf employees food service fund is hereby created in the state treasury. The fund shall consist of payments received from employees who make purchases from the school’s food service program. Notwithstanding section 3325.01 of the Revised Code, […]
Effective: September 29, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly The state school for the deaf may receive and administer any federal funds relating to the education of deaf or hearing-impaired students. The school for the deaf also may accept and administer any gifts, donations, or bequests given to it for programs […]
Effective: June 30, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly There is hereby created in the state treasury the state school for the deaf educational program expenses fund. Moneys received by the school from donations, bequests, student fundraising activities, fees charged for camps and workshops, gate receipts from athletic contests, and the […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: House Bill 487 – 130th General Assembly There is hereby created in the state treasury the state school for the blind educational program expense fund. Moneys received by the school from donations, bequests, student fundraising activities, fees charged for camps, workshops, and summer work and learn cooperative programs, gate […]