Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly As used in this section and sections 3332.03 to 3332.99 of the Revised Code: (A) “Agent” means any individual whose primary duties, performed while on or off school premises, include distribution of literature or information on behalf of a person offering a […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly This chapter does not apply to the following categories of courses, schools, or colleges: (A) Tuition-free courses or schools conducted by employers exclusively for their own employees; (B) Nonprofit institutions with certificates of authorization issued pursuant to section 1713.02 of the Revised […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly There is hereby created the state board of career colleges and schools to consist of the state superintendent of public instruction or an assistant superintendent designated by the superintendent, the chancellor of the Ohio board of regents or a vice chancellor designated […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The state board of career colleges and schools shall: (A) Adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code necessary to carry out its duties and responsibilities under this chapter; (B) Establish minimum standards for the registration and operation of private career […]
Effective: July 1, 2003 Latest Legislation: House Bill 95 – 125th General Assembly The state board of career colleges and schools may appoint an executive director and such other staff as may be required for the performance of the board’s duties and provide necessary facilities. In selecting an executive director, the board shall appoint an […]
Effective: October 9, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 263 – 133rd General Assembly (A) The state board of career colleges and schools shall issue a certificate of registration to an applicant seeking to offer one or more programs upon receipt of the fee established in accordance with section 3332.07 of the Revised Code and upon […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The state board of career colleges and schools shall direct that a written survey be obtained by schools subject to this chapter, which shall be used to solicit comments from students enrolled at such schools. The board shall establish the guidelines for […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly (A)(1) No program shall be established, offered, or given for a charge, fee, or other contribution; no certificate, diploma, degree, or other written evidence of proficiency or achievement shall be offered whether in a specified place, by correspondence, or any other means […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly (A) Each application for issuance and renewal of a certificate of registration, for the issuance and renewal of program authorization, for issuance and renewal of agent’s permits, and for any other service specified by the state board of career colleges and schools […]
Effective: September 29, 2017 Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 – 132nd General Assembly A college or school that holds a certificate of registration under this chapter shall pay any fee required by the state board of career colleges and schools for a new student disclosure course fee. No college or school shall charge a student […]
Effective: July 1, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The application for a certificate of registration for a school located within Ohio shall be accompanied by a surety bond in a penal sum established by rule of the state board of career colleges and schools pursuant to Chapter 119. of the […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The student tuition recovery authority is created as a body corporate and politic of this state. The purpose of the authority is to protect students of any school registered by the state board of career colleges and schools from prepaid tuition loss […]
Effective: July 1, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The state board of career colleges and schools may pursue any lawful means of assuring that students of any school registered by the state board do not suffer prepaid tuition loss as a result of the closure of a school. This may […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The student tuition recovery fund is created in the custody of the treasurer of state, but not as a part of the state treasury. All revenues received from payments received under section 3332.085 of the Revised Code from schools registered by the […]
Effective: July 1, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly The student tuition recovery authority may: (A) Adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business; (B) Maintain a principal office at such place within the state as is designated by the authority; (C) Direct moneys to […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly (A) Not later than the thirty-first day of August in each year, each school registered by the state board of career colleges and schools shall pay into the student tuition recovery fund in the following amounts: (1) Schools initially registered or sold […]
Effective: October 9, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 263 – 133rd General Assembly (A) The state board of career colleges and schools may, except as provided in division (B) of this section, limit, suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew a certificate of registration or program authorization or may impose a penalty pursuant to […]
Effective: April 3, 2003 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 266 – 124th General Assembly (A)(1) Any person adversely affected by the actions of a certificate holder may file a complaint with the state board of career colleges and schools alleging that any school registered with the board has violated any provision of section 3332.09 of the […]
Effective: September 29, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly Any school subject to this chapter receiving money under section 3333.12 or 3333.122 of the Revised Code on behalf of a student who is determined by the state board of career colleges and schools to be ineligible under such section because the […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly (A) No individual shall sell any program or solicit students therefor in this state unless the individual is an employee of the school. Any individual whose primary duty, whether on or off school premises, is to solicit prospective students shall first secure […]