Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly (A) There is hereby created the Ohio board of regents as an advisory board to the chancellor of higher education appointed under section 3333.03 of the Revised Code. The board shall consist of nine members to be appointed by the governor with […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly No member of the Ohio board of regents, created by section 3333.01 of the Revised Code, shall be a trustee, officer, or employee of a technical college while serving as a member of the board. Neither the chancellor of higher education nor […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly Whenever the term “Ohio board of regents” is used, referred to, or designated in any statute, rule, contract, grant, or other document, the use, reference, or designation shall be construed to mean the “chancellor of higher education,” except in sections 3333.01, 3333.011, […]
Effective: May 15, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 2 – 127th General Assembly The Ohio board of regents shall hold its first meeting at the call of the governor, within three months after all members have been appointed and qualified. Meetings thereafter shall be called in such manner and at such times as prescribed by […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly As used in this section, “university” means any college or university that receives a state appropriation. (A) This division does not apply to proposed rules, amendments, or rescissions subject to legislative review under section 106.02 of the Revised Code. No action taken […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly (A) There is hereby created the department of higher education, which shall be composed of the chancellor of higher education and the chancellor’s employees, agents, and representatives. The chancellor shall perform the functions, exercise the powers, and discharge the duties as are […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly The Ohio board of regents shall submit to the general assembly, in accordance with division (B) of section 101.68 of the Revised Code, and to the governor, an annual report on the condition of higher education in this state, including the performance […]
Effective: July 21, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 135 – 134th General Assembly The chancellor of higher education shall: (A) Make studies of state policy in the field of higher education and formulate a master plan for higher education for the state, considering the needs of the people, the needs of the state, and the […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly (A) On or before the last day of December of each year, the chancellor of higher education shall submit to the governor and, in accordance with section 101.68 of the Revised Code, the general assembly a report or reports concerning all of […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly The chancellor of higher education shall require each state institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, when reporting student data to the chancellor under any provision of law, to use the student’s data verification code assigned […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly Not later than December 31, 2014, and annually thereafter, the chancellor of higher education shall report for each approved teacher preparation program, the number and percentage of all graduates of the program who were rated at each of the performance levels prescribed […]
Effective: September 28, 2016 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 321 – 131st General Assembly (A) No nonprofit institution that holds a certificate of authorization issued under Chapter 1713. of the Revised Code shall be liable for a breach of confidentiality arising from the institution’s submission of student data or records to the chancellor of higher education […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly Not later than December 31, 2014, the chancellor of higher education shall make available, in a prominent location on the chancellor’s web site, a complete inventory of education programs that focus on workforce development and training that includes both of the following: […]
Effective: September 29, 2017 Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 – 132nd General Assembly (A) In accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the chancellor of higher education shall adopt rules that require education preparation programs approved under section 3333.048 of the Revised Code to include instruction in opioid and other substance abuse prevention. The […]
Effective: September 29, 2017 Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 – 132nd General Assembly Beginning in 2018, the chancellor of higher education, in collaboration with the department of education, shall prepare an annual report regarding the progress the state is making in increasing the percentage of adults in the state with a college degree, industry certificate, […]
Effective: September 29, 2017 Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 – 132nd General Assembly (A) The chancellor of higher education may do both of the following with regard to student fees: (1) Investigate all fees charged to students by any state institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code; (2) Prohibit […]
Effective: October 7, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 126 – 134th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Hazing” and “organization” have the same meanings as in section 2903.31 of the Revised Code. (2) “Institution of higher education” has the same meaning as in section 3345.19 of the Revised Code. (B) The chancellor […]
Effective: July 21, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 135 – 134th General Assembly (A) As used in this section, “state institution of higher education” has the same meaning as in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code. (B) The chancellor of higher education annually shall issue, to the extent practicable, a report about the mental health […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly The chancellor of higher education may grant money to a nonprofit entity that provides a statewide resource for aerospace research, education, and technology, so long as the nonprofit entity makes its resources accessible to state colleges and universities and to agencies of […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Institution of higher education” means the state universities listed in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, municipal educational institutions established under Chapter 3349. of the Revised Code, community colleges established under Chapter 3354. of the […]