Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly The Bowling Green state normal school, and the Kent state normal school, established under 101 O.L. 320 shall be known as the “Bowling Green State University” and the “Kent State University,” respectively.
Effective: March 31, 2005 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 224 – 125th General Assembly (A) The government of Bowling Green state university is vested in a board of eleven trustees, who shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the trustees shall be students at Bowling Green state […]
Effective: September 23, 2008 Latest Legislation: House Bill 562 – 127th General Assembly The board of trustees of Bowling Green state university and Kent state university, respectively, shall annually elect from their members, a president and a vice-president; and they may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of […]
Effective: October 16, 1961 Latest Legislation: House Bill 326 – 104th General Assembly The boards of trustees of Bowling Green state university and Kent state university, respectively, shall elect, fix the compensation of, and remove the president and such number of professors, teachers, and other employees as may be deemed necessary by said boards. The […]
Effective: November 9, 1959 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 61 – 103rd General Assembly The boards of trustees of Bowling Green state university and Kent state university, respectively, may create, establish, provide for, and maintain a college of liberal arts, a college of education, and a college of business administration, and include the instruction appropriate to […]
Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Bowling Green state university and Kent state university shall be supported by such sums and in such manner as the general assembly may provide.