Effective: November 5, 1965 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 395 – 106th General Assembly The educational institution designated Central state college by volume 124, Ohio Laws, page 67, shall be known as “Central state university.”
Effective: March 31, 2005 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 224 – 125th General Assembly (A) The government of Central state university shall be vested in a board of trustees to be known as “the board of trustees of the Central state university.” Such board shall consist of eleven members who shall be appointed by the governor, […]
Effective: November 5, 1965 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 395 – 106th General Assembly The board of trustees of the Central state university annually shall elect one of their number chairman, and in the absence of the chairman, elect one of their number temporary chairman. It also may appoint a secretary-treasurer, librarian, and such other officers […]
Effective: October 16, 2009 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 128th General Assembly The board of trustees of the Central state university shall meet in regular session at the university twice a year. Other meetings may be called and held at such places as the board prescribes. A majority of the board present at any […]
Effective: September 29, 1975 Latest Legislation: House Bill 155 – 111th General Assembly The board of trustees of Central state university shall take, keep, and maintain exclusive authority, direction, supervision, and control over the operations and conduct of such university, so as to assure for said university the best attainable results with the aid secured […]
Effective: November 5, 1965 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 395 – 106th General Assembly The board of trustees of the Central state university shall elect, fix the compensation of, and have the right to remove the president, who shall be the chief executive officer of the university, and elect, fix the compensation of, and remove such […]
Effective: November 5, 1965 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 395 – 106th General Assembly No sectarian influence, direction, or interference in the management or conduct of the affairs or education of the Central state university shall be permitted by its board of trustees; but its benefits shall be open to all applicants of good moral character […]
Effective: September 23, 2008 Latest Legislation: House Bill 562 – 127th General Assembly The treasurer of the central state university, before entering upon the discharge of the treasurer’s duties, shall give a bond to the state or be insured for the faithful performance of the treasurer’s duties and the proper accounting for all moneys coming […]
Effective: November 5, 1965 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 395 – 106th General Assembly The Central state university shall be supported by such sums and in such manner as the general assembly provides.