Effective: April 7, 2009 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 248 – 127th General Assembly Except as provided in sections 3333.17, 3333.32, and 3333.42 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of a state university or college, as defined in section 3345.12 of the Revised Code, may charge reasonable tuition for the attendance of pupils who […]
Effective: March 23, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 166 – 134th General Assembly “State university” means a public institution of higher education which is a body politic and corporate. Each of the following institutions of higher education shall be recognized as a state university: university of Akron, Bowling Green state university, Central state university, university […]
Effective: September 29, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 119 – 127th General Assembly As used in this section, “state institution of higher education” has the same meaning as in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code. Beginning in the 2008-2009 academic year, each state institution of higher education shall include in each statement of estimated or […]
Effective: March 24, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 40 – 133rd General Assembly Subject to sections 3345.0212 to 3345.0214 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of any college or university, which receives any state funds in support thereof, shall have full power and authority on all matters relative to the administration of such […]
Effective: March 24, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 40 – 133rd General Assembly (A) As used in this section and sections 3345.0212 to 3345.0214 of the Revised Code: (1) “Benefits” has the same meaning as in section 3345.023 of the Revised Code. (2) “Campus community” means students, student groups, faculty, staff, and employees of a […]
Effective: July 21, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 135 – 134th General Assembly (A) Except as permitted by this section and sections 3345.0213 and 3345.12 of the Revised Code, no state institution of higher education, or any of its administrators acting in their official capacity, shall prohibit any individual from engaging in noncommercial expressive activity […]
Effective: March 24, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 40 – 133rd General Assembly (A)(1) Outdoor areas of campuses of state institutions of higher education are public forums for campus communities. (2) State institutions of higher education shall not create “free speech zones” or designate other outdoor areas of campuses where expressive activities are prohibited. (3) […]
Effective: March 24, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 40 – 133rd General Assembly (A) Within one hundred eighty days after the effective date of this section, and in a manner that complies with the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,” 88 Stat. 571, 20 U.S.C. 1232g, each state institution of higher education shall […]
Effective: July 21, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 135 – 134th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Constitutional time, place, and manner restrictions” means restrictions on the time, place, and manner of free speech that do not violate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Article I, Sections 3 and […]
Effective: September 29, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 64 – 131st General Assembly The board of trustees of any college or university supported in part or in whole by state funds, or two or more such boards, may enter into a contract, upon such terms as shall be determined to be in the best interests […]
Effective: September 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 – 129th General Assembly (A) No state institution of higher education shall take any action or enforce any policy that would deny a religious student group any benefit available to any other student group based on the religious student group’s requirement that its leaders or members […]
Effective: July 21, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 135 – 134th General Assembly (A) Beginning in the academic year that follows the effective date of this section, each state institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, annually shall prepare and post on its publicly accessible web site a report […]
Effective: September 29, 2017 Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 – 132nd General Assembly The board of trustees of each state institution of higher education as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code shall adopt a textbook selection policy for faculty to follow in selecting and assigning textbooks and other instructional materials for use in […]
Effective: September 30, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 – 134th General Assembly A state institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, shall not withhold a student’s official transcripts from a potential employer because the student owes money to the institution, provided the student has authorized the transcripts to […]
Effective: July 21, 2022 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 135 – 134th General Assembly No state institution of higher education, as defined in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, shall charge an additional fee to a student for an employee of the university, or an entity contracting with the institution, to complete any academic activity associated […]
Effective: July 1, 1985 Latest Legislation: House Bill 201 – 116th General Assembly The expenditure of all moneys under sections 3345.01 to 3345.07 of the Revised Code, or for the purpose of carrying out such sections raised or secured from any source, shall be subject to the audit of the auditor of state, the cost […]
Effective: September 17, 2014 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 3 – 130th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: “Rule” includes the enactment of a new rule or the amendment or rescission of an existing rule. “State institution of higher education” means a state university identified in section 3345.011 of the Revised Code, the northeast […]
Effective: April 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 139 – 129th General Assembly (A) As used in this section, “felony” has the same meaning as in section 109.511 of the Revised Code. (B) Subject to division (C) of this section, the board of trustees of a state university, the board of trustees of the northeast […]
Effective: November 6, 1996 Latest Legislation: House Bill 568 – 121st General Assembly (A) The board of trustees of a state university or college may enter into an agreement with one or more townships, municipal corporations, counties, park districts created under section 1545.04 of the Revised Code, township park districts created under section 511.18 of […]
Effective: July 3, 2012 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 243 – 129th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Community college” has the same meaning as in section 3354.01 of the Revised Code. (2) “Countywide emergency management agency,” “participating political subdivision,” “program for emergency management within a political subdivision,” and “regional authority for emergency […]