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Home » US Law » 2022 Ohio Revised Code » Title 33 | Education-Libraries » Chapter 3381 | Arts and Cultural Affairs

Section 3381.01 | Arts and Cultural Affairs Definitions.

Effective: October 6, 1980 Latest Legislation: House Bill 809 – 113th General Assembly As used in sections 3381.01 to 3381.22 of the Revised Code: (A) “Arts or cultural organization” means: (1) Any corporation, organization, association, or institution that: (a) Provides programs or activities in areas directly concerned with the arts or cultural heritage; and (b) […]

Section 3381.02 | Creation of Regional Arts and Cultural District – District Is Political Subdivision.

Effective: September 29, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly A regional arts and cultural district may be created for any of the following purposes: making grants to support the operating or capital expenses of arts or cultural organizations located within its district, or acquiring, constructing, equipping, furnishing, repairing, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, […]

Section 3381.05 | Appointment of Board of Trustees.

Effective: September 29, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly Within sixty days after a regional arts and cultural district has been created, the board of trustees of the district shall be appointed as provided in this section. Members of a board of trustees of a regional arts and cultural district created […]

Section 3381.051 | Organization and Meetings.

Effective: November 7, 1979 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 113th General Assembly A majority of the board of trustees of the regional arts and cultural district constitutes a quorum, the affirmative vote of which is necessary for any action taken by the district. No vacancy in the board shall impair the rights of a […]

Section 3381.06 | Power and Authority of Board of Trustees.

Effective: September 29, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly All the power and authority granted to a regional arts and cultural district shall be vested in and exercised by its board of trustees, which shall manage and conduct its affairs. The board, within the limitations of this chapter, shall provide, by […]

Section 3381.07 | Board of Trustees – Powers and Duties.

Effective: September 29, 2005 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly Upon the creation of a regional arts and cultural district and upon the qualifying of its board of trustees and the election of a president and a vice-president, the district shall exercise in its own name all the rights, powers, and duties […]

Section 3381.08 | Issuance of Bonds – Purposes for Issuance – Anticipation Notes.

Effective: October 30, 1989 Latest Legislation: House Bill 230 – 118th General Assembly The regional arts and cultural district may submit to the electors within its territory the question of issuing bonds of such district and also the necessity of a tax outside the limitation of Section 2 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution, to pay […]

Section 3381.09 | Bonds to Be Free From State Taxation.

Effective: November 7, 1979 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 113th General Assembly Bonds issued under section 3381.08 of the Revised Code, their transfer, and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state.

Section 3381.10 | Duties and Bond of Executive Director.

Effective: November 7, 1979 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 113th General Assembly The executive director of the regional arts and cultural district shall be the fiscal officer of the district and the custodian of its funds and records, and shall assist the board of trustees in such manner as it directs. Before receiving any […]

Section 3381.12 | Contracts or Arrangements With Governmental Bodies or With Corporations.

Effective: November 7, 1979 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 113th General Assembly The board of trustees of a regional arts and cultural district may enter into such contracts or other arrangements with the United States government or any department thereof, with the state government of this or any other state, with counties, municipal corporations, […]

Section 3381.13 | Status of Employees.

Effective: September 21, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 628 – 123rd General Assembly All employees of a regional arts and cultural district shall be considered public employees within the meaning of section 145.01 of the Revised Code and its employees shall be subject to Chapter 145. of the Revised Code.

Section 3381.14 | Procurement of Medical Insurance for Employees and Dependents.

Effective: June 4, 1997 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 67 – 122nd General Assembly A regional arts and cultural district may procure and pay all or any part of the cost of group hospitalization, surgical, major medical, or sickness and accident insurance or a combination of any of the foregoing for the employees of the district […]

Section 3381.16 | Tax Levy.

Effective: October 30, 1989 Latest Legislation: House Bill 230 – 118th General Assembly (A) Upon the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the qualified electors within the territory of a regional arts and cultural district voting on the question at an election held for the purpose, the district may levy upon the property […]

Section 3381.19 | Conveyances, Leases or Exchanges of Property Between District and Political Subdivision or Qualified Organization Without Competitive Bidding.

Effective: November 7, 1979 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 113th General Assembly The legislative authority of any municipal corporation, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision or taxing district, may convey or lease to, or exchange with, any regional arts and cultural district or any district may convey or lease to, or exchange […]

Section 3381.20 | District Exempted From Property Taxes – Exception.

Effective: November 7, 1979 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 113th General Assembly A regional arts and cultural district created under this chapter shall be exempt from and shall not be required to pay any taxes on property, both real and personal, belonging to any such district, which is used exclusively for any public purpose; […]