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Home » US Law » 2022 Ohio Revised Code » Title 39 | Insurance » Chapter 3911 | Domestic and Foreign Life Insurance Companies

Section 3911.01 | Authorized Types of Business.

Effective: March 20, 1972 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 444 – 109th General Assembly No life insurance company, organized under the laws of this state, shall undertake any business or risk except as provided in this section, and no company, partnership, or association, organized or incorporated by act of congress, or under the laws of this […]

Section 3911.011 | Variable or Fixed and Variable Benefits or Contractual Payments.

Effective: September 1, 2002 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 129 – 124th General Assembly (A) No policy, annuity, or other contract providing variable or fixed and variable benefits or contractual payments shall be delivered or issued for delivery in this state except by a life insurance company, organized under the laws of this state, or a […]

Section 3911.012 | Reserves for Line of Sickness and Accident Insurance.

Effective: August 8, 1991 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 137 – 119th General Assembly (A) Each life insurance company authorized to transact business in this state shall maintain reserves, with respect to any line of sickness and accident insurance that it writes, in at least all of the following amounts: (1) An amount that equals the […]

Section 3911.02 | Annual Statements to Superintendent of Insurance.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Every life insurance company doing business in this state, and issuing policies on both the participating and nonparticipating plans, shall file with the superintendent of insurance separate annual statements of profits and losses with reference to each of such kinds of insurance.

Section 3911.021 | Report on Measures to Detect Stranger-Originated Insurance.

Effective: September 11, 2008 Latest Legislation: House Bill 404 – 127th General Assembly Any insurance company that issues life insurance policies in this state shall file electronically, in a format prescribed by the superintendent of insurance, on or before June first of each year, a description of the measures taken by the insurance company to […]

Section 3911.03 | Copies of Applications and Documents.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Every person holding a policy of insurance issued by a company on the life of any person is entitled to be furnished by the company with a copy of any application or document held by it, either written or printed, upon which […]

Section 3911.04 | Copies of Applications to Accompany Policies Issued.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Every life insurance company doing business in this state shall return with, and as part of any policy issued by it, to any person taking such policy, a complete copy of each application or other document held by it which is intended […]

Section 3911.05 | Language of Application.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly No life insurance company doing business in this state shall take any application, medical certificate, or other document, for insurance upon the life of any person, in cipher or by character of any sort other than ordinary written or printed language. Any […]

Section 3911.06 | False Answer.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly No answer to any interrogatory made by an applicant in his application for a policy shall bar the right to recover upon any policy issued thereon, or be used in evidence at any trial to recover upon such policy, unless it is […]

Section 3911.07 | Defenses Limited.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly After having received three annual premiums on a policy issued on the life of any person in this state, all companies are estopped from defending upon any ground other than fraud against any claim arising upon such policy by reason of errors, […]

Section 3911.08 | Minor’s Contract for Insurance.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly In respect to insurance issued upon the life of any minor, regardless of the age of the minor at the date of the issuance of said insurance, for the benefit of such minor, or for the benefit of the father, mother, husband, […]

Section 3911.09 | Beneficiaries.

Effective: July 8, 1992 Latest Legislation: House Bill 507 – 119th General Assembly (A) Any person may procure, authorize procurement of, or effect an insurance on the person’s life, for any definite period of time or for the term of the person’s natural life, to inure to the benefit of the person’s spouse and children, […]

Section 3911.091 | Proceeds or Avails Free From Claims of Creditors.

Effective: November 3, 1995 Latest Legislation: House Bill 330 – 121st General Assembly Sec. 3911.091. (A) As used in this section, “employer” means any individual, sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or any other entity that is doing business in this state. “Employer” also includes all entities or persons that are controlled by or […]

Section 3911.10 | Exemption of Proceeds From Claims of Creditors.

Effective: July 8, 1992 Latest Legislation: House Bill 507 – 119th General Assembly All contracts of life or endowment insurance or annuities upon the life of any person, or any interest therein, which may hereafter mature and which have been taken out for the benefit of, or made payable by change of beneficiary, transfer, or […]

Section 3911.11 | Married Person May Insure Life of Spouse.

Effective: August 31, 1976 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 425 – 111th General Assembly A married person may individually and in such person’s own name, or in the name of a third person with assent as the third person’s trustee, cause the life of the person’s spouse to be insured for such person’s sole use, for […]

Section 3911.12 | Policy Assigned to a Married Person.

Effective: October 16, 1980 Latest Legislation: House Bill 736 – 113th General Assembly A policy of insurance on the life of any person, or any interest therein, assigned, transferred, or made payable to a married person, or to any person, firm, or corporation in trust for such married person or for such married person’s benefit, […]

Section 3911.13 | Beneficiary in Case of Death of Spouse.

Effective: August 31, 1976 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 425 – 111th General Assembly The amount of the insurance provided for in sections 3911.09 to 3911.12 of the Revised Code, may be made payable, in case of death of the spouse before the period at which it becomes due, to his, her, or their children, in […]

Section 3911.14 | Proceeds of Policy.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly Any life insurance company, organized or licensed to do business under the laws of this state, may hold the proceeds of any life or endowment insurance or annuity contract issued by it upon such terms and restrictions as to revocation by the […]

Section 3911.15 | Policy to Defraud Creditors.

Effective: October 1, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 100th General Assembly If a policy of life insurance is procured by a person with intent to defraud his creditors, an amount equal to the premium paid thereon, with interest, shall inure to the benefit of his creditors, subject to the statute of limitations.

Section 3911.16 | Discrimination Against Persons of African Descent Prohibited.

Effective: May 4, 2004 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 97 – 125th General Assembly No life insurance company organized or doing business within this state shall: (A) Make any distinction or discrimination on the basis of race as to premiums or rates charged for life insurance policies; (B) Demand or require greater premiums from persons who […]