Effective: March 23, 2015 Latest Legislation: House Bill 201 – 130th General Assembly As used in sections 3924.01 to 3924.14 of the Revised Code: (A) “Actuarial certification” means a written statement prepared by a member of the American academy of actuaries, or by any other person acceptable to the superintendent of insurance, that states that, […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) An individual or group health benefit plan is subject to sections 3924.01 to 3924.14 of the Revised Code if it provides health care benefits covering at least two but no more than fifty employees of a small employer, and if it […]
Effective: March 22, 1999 Latest Legislation: House Bill 698 – 122nd General Assembly Except as otherwise provided in section 2721 of the “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996,” Pub. L. No. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1955, 42 U.S.C.A. 300gg-21, as amended, health benefit plans covering small employers are subject to the following conditions, as […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) As used in this section and section 3924.032 of the Revised Code: (1) “Health status-related factor” means any of the following: (a) Health status; (b) Medical condition, including both physical and mental illnesses; (c) Claims experience; (d) Receipt of health care; […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) A carrier may refuse to issue health benefit plans in the small employer market if the carrier has demonstrated both of the following to the superintendent of insurance: (1) The carrier does not have the financial reserves necessary to underwrite additional […]
Effective: March 22, 1999 Latest Legislation: House Bill 698 – 122nd General Assembly (A) Each carrier, in connection with the offering of a health benefit plan to a small employer, shall disclose to the employer, as part of its solicitation and sales materials, the following information: (1) The provisions of the plan concerning the carrier’s […]
Effective: March 23, 2007 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 5 – 126th General Assembly (A)(1) With respect to any health benefit plan of a carrier and except as otherwise provided in divisions (A)(2) and (3) of this section, the premium rates charged or offered for a rating period for the same or similar coverage under a […]
Effective: October 16, 2009 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 128th General Assembly (A) Compliance with the underwriting and rating requirements contained in sections 3924.01 to 3924.14 of the Revised Code shall be demonstrated through actuarial certification. Carriers offering health benefit plans to small employers shall file annually with the superintendent of insurance an actuarial […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) There is hereby established a nonprofit entity to be known as the “Ohio health reinsurance program.” Any carrier issuing health benefit plans in this state on or after April 14, 1993, may be a member of the program. (B) A carrier […]
Effective: March 22, 1999 Latest Legislation: House Bill 698 – 122nd General Assembly (A) The board of directors of the Ohio health reinsurance program shall consist of nine appointed members who shall serve staggered terms as determined by the initial board for its members and by the plan of operation of the program for members […]
Effective: May 26, 2010 Latest Legislation: House Bill 300 – 128th General Assembly The Ohio health reinsurance program shall have the general powers and authority granted under the laws of the state to insurance companies licensed to transact sickness and accident insurance, except the power to issue insurance. The board of directors of the program […]
Effective: September 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 – 129th General Assembly (A) The board of directors of the Ohio health reinsurance program may make recommendations to the superintendent of insurance, and the superintendent may adopt or amend by rule adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, the OHC basic, standard, […]
Effective: March 22, 1999 Latest Legislation: House Bill 698 – 122nd General Assembly Any member of the Ohio health reinsurance program may reinsure small employer groups or individuals in accordance with the following conditions and limitations: (A) A small employer group or individual may be reinsured within sixty days after the commencement of the group’s […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) The Ohio health reinsurance program shall not provide reinsurance for any individual reinsured under the program until five thousand dollars in benefit payments have been made by a member of the program for services provided to that individual during a calendar […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, premium rates charged for coverage reinsured by the Ohio health reinsurance program shall be established as follows: (1) For whole group reinsurance coverage, one and one-half times the adjusted average market premium […]
Effective: March 22, 1999 Latest Legislation: House Bill 698 – 122nd General Assembly (A) Following the close of each calendar year, the administrator of the Ohio health reinsurance program shall determine the net premiums, the program expenses for administration, and the incurred losses, if any, for the year, taking into account investment income and other […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly Neither the participation as members of the Ohio health reinsurance program or as members of the board of directors of the program, the establishment of rates, forms, or procedures for coverage issued by the program, nor any other joint or collective action […]
Effective: July 24, 2002 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 4 – 124th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Beneficiary,” “hospital,” and “third-party payer” have the same meanings as in section 3901.38 of the Revised Code. (2) “Overcharged” means charged more than the usual and customary charge, rate, or fee that is charged by […]
Effective: November 24, 1995 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 150 – 121st General Assembly (A) As used in this section, “employer” means any person who employs an individual. (B) No employer shall engage in any act or practice that, due solely to the actual or expected health condition of one or more individuals, excludes or causes […]
Effective: June 30, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 374 – 122nd General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Carrier,” “dependent,” and “health benefit plan” have the same meanings as in section 3924.01 of the Revised Code. (2) “Health status-related factor” means any of the following: (a) Health status; (b) Medical condition, including both […]