Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly As used in Chapter 4906. of the Revised Code: (A) “Person” means an individual, corporation, business trust, association, estate, trust, or partnership or any officer, board, commission, department, division, or bureau of the state or a political subdivision of the state, or […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 110, Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A)(1) There is hereby created within the public utilities commission the power siting board, composed of the chairperson of the public utilities commission, the director of environmental protection, the director of health, the director of development, the director of […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A) For the purposes of this section and section 4906.022 of the Revised Code: (1) “Immediate family member” means a person’s: (a) Spouse; (b) Brother or sister of the whole, or of the half, blood, or by marriage; (c) Children, including adopted […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A) Voting ad hoc members of the power siting board under section 4906.021 of the Revised Code shall be designated not later than thirty days after a board of county commissioners or a board of township trustees receives notification that an application, […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly If a board of township trustees or board of county commissioners seeks to adopt a resolution to intervene in a power siting board case for which it is entitled to have a voting ad hoc member under section 4906.02 of the Revised […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A) A voting ad hoc member of the power siting board under section 4906.02 of the Revised Code shall be exempt from any limitations on ex parte communications. (B) If such an ad hoc member communicates with a party, including any party […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly No present or former voting ad hoc member of the power siting board shall disclose or use, without appropriate authorization, information acquired in the course of official duties that is confidential because of either of the following: (A) Statutory law; (B) Notice […]
Effective: September 10, 2012 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 315 – 129th General Assembly The power siting board shall: (A) Require such information from persons subject to its jurisdiction as it considers necessary to assist in the conduct of hearings and any investigations or studies it may undertake; (B) Conduct any studies or investigations that it […]
Effective: November 15, 1981 Latest Legislation: House Bill 694 – 114th General Assembly No person shall commence to construct a major utility facility in this state without first having obtained a certificate for the facility. The replacement of an existing facility with a like facility, as determined by the power siting board, shall not constitute […]
Effective: September 10, 2012 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 315 – 129th General Assembly No certificate is required for a major utility facility on which construction had already commenced on October 23, 1972, or within two years thereafter. This section does not exempt such a facility from any other requirements of state and local laws and […]
Effective: September 10, 2012 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 315 – 129th General Assembly (A) An applicant for a certificate shall file with the office of the chairperson of the power siting board an application, in such form as the board prescribes, containing the following information: (1) A description of the location and of the major […]
Effective: September 10, 2012 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 315 – 129th General Assembly (A) Upon the receipt of an application complying with section 4906.06 of the Revised Code, the power siting board shall promptly fix a date for a public hearing thereon, not less than sixty nor more than ninety days after such receipt, and […]
Effective: April 7, 2004 Latest Legislation: House Bill 133 – 125th General Assembly (A) The parties to a certification proceeding shall include: (1) The applicant; (2) Each person entitled to receive service of a copy of the application under division (B) of section 4906.06 of the Revised Code, if the person has filed with the […]
Effective: November 15, 1981 Latest Legislation: House Bill 694 – 114th General Assembly A record shall be made of the hearing and of all testimony taken. Rules of evidence, as specified by the power siting board, shall apply to the proceeding. The board may provide for the consolidation of the representation of parties having similar […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A) The power siting board shall render a decision upon the record either granting or denying the application as filed, or granting it upon such terms, conditions, or modifications of the construction, operation, or maintenance of the major utility facility as the […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A) For purposes of this section and sections 4906.102 and 4906.103 of the Revised Code, “material amendment” and “utility facility” have the same meanings as in section 303.57 of the Revised Code. (B) The power siting board shall not grant a certificate […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly (A) The power siting board shall not grant a certificate for the construction, operation, and maintenance of, or a material amendment to an existing certificate for, a utility facility, either as proposed or as modified by the board, to be constructed in […]
Effective: October 11, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 52 – 134th General Assembly If a board of county commissioners has adopted a resolution which limits the boundaries of the proposed utility facility to a smaller geographic area of the county, completely within what was proposed by the applicant, as described in section 303.62 of the […]
Effective: June 30, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 128 – 134th General Assembly The power siting board shall submit a report to the general assembly, not later than December 1, 2021, on whether the current requirements for the planning of the power transmission system and associated facilities investment in this state are cost effective and […]
Effective: November 15, 1981 Latest Legislation: House Bill 694 – 114th General Assembly In rendering a decision on an application for a certificate, the power siting board shall issue an opinion stating its reasons for the action taken.