Effective: September 14, 2016 Latest Legislation: House Bill 113 – 131st General Assembly A participant of Ohio works first who is enrolled in a school district in a county that is participating in the learnfare program and is not younger than age six but not older than age nineteen shall participate in the learnfare program […]
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly The first time during a school year that a participating student fails to comply with the learnfare program’s school attendance requirement, the county department of job and family services shall send the parent a notice warning that, if the student fails a […]
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly The county department of job and family services may provide an incentive established by the county department to the participating student or student’s assistance group, whichever is appropriate, if the parent or, if the student is eighteen or nineteen years of age, […]
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly The county department of job and family services shall require the parent of each participating student, or, if the student is eighteen or nineteen years of age, the student to consent to release of the student’s school attendance records. If the parent […]
Effective: October 1, 1997 Latest Legislation: House Bill 408 – 122nd General Assembly Notwithstanding a reduction in a cash assistance payment under section 5107.282 or 5107.284 of the Revised Code, all members of the assistance group who are otherwise eligible to participate in Ohio works first shall continue to be considered participants of the program.
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly Communications between the school district and the county department of job and family services concerning a participating student’s attendance shall be made only through the attendance officers and assistants appointed under section 3321.14 or 3321.15 of the Revised Code.
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly The county department of job and family services shall establish policies defining “good cause for being absent from school” and specifying what constitutes a day of attendance for purposes of the learnfare program’s school attendance requirement. Not later than the fifteenth day […]
Effective: April 7, 2009 Latest Legislation: House Bill 7 – 127th General Assembly (A) As used in this section: (1) “Equivalent of a high school diploma” and “good cause” have the meanings established in rules adopted under section 5107.05 of the Revised Code. (2) “Participating teen” means an individual to whom all of the following […]
Effective: January 1, 2006 Latest Legislation: House Bill 66 – 126th General Assembly For the purpose of encouraging individuals who have successfully completed the requirements of the LEAP program to enroll in post-secondary education, the director of job and family services may provide an award to such individuals who enroll in post-secondary education. If provided, […]
Effective: September 29, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 119 – 127th General Assembly An individual is ineligible for assistance under Ohio works first if either of the following apply: (A) The individual is a fugitive felon as defined in section 5101.20 of the Revised Code; (B) The individual is violating a condition of probation, a […]
Effective: September 26, 2003 Latest Legislation: House Bill 95 – 125th General Assembly (A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, an individual who resides in a county home, city infirmary, jail, or other public institution is not eligible to participate in Ohio works first. (B) Division (A) of this section does not […]
Effective: September 14, 2016 Latest Legislation: House Bill 113 – 131st General Assembly As used in sections 5107.40 to 5107.69 of the Revised Code: (A) “Alternative work activity” means an activity designed to promote self sufficiency and personal responsibility established by a county department of job and family services under section 5107.64 of the Revised […]
Effective: September 29, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 119 – 127th General Assembly As soon as possible after an assistance group submits an application to participate in Ohio works first, the county department of job and family services that receives the application shall schedule and conduct an appraisal of each member of the assistance group […]
Effective: July 1, 2017 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 319 – 131st General Assembly (A) Except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, county departments of job and family services shall assign each minor head of household and adult participating in Ohio works first, other than a minor head of household participating in […]
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly (A) After a minor head of household or adult is assigned to a work activity, developmental activity, or alternative work activity under section 5107.42 of the Revised Code, a county department of job and family services shall place the minor head of […]
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly County departments of job and family services, on a statewide average basis, shall exceed the federal minimum work activity participation rates established by section 407(a) of Title IV-A, 42 U.S.C.A. 607(a), by not less than five percentage points.
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly There is hereby established, as a work activity under Ohio works first, the job search and readiness program under which applicants for and participants of Ohio works first are trained in strategies and skills in obtaining employment and engage in self-directed, job […]
Effective: July 1, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 187 – 126th General Assembly (A) There is hereby established, as a work activity under Ohio works first, the subsidized employment program, under which private and government employers receive payments from appropriations to the department of job and family services for a portion of the costs of […]
Effective: July 1, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 471 – 123rd General Assembly (A) There is hereby established, as a work activity under Ohio works first, the work experience program. A participant of Ohio works first placed in the program shall receive work experience from private and government entities. Participants of Ohio works first assigned […]
Effective: April 12, 2021 Latest Legislation: House Bill 442 – 133rd General Assembly A county department of job and family services may contract with the chief administrator of a nonpublic school or with any school district board of education that has adopted a resolution under section 3319.089 of the Revised Code to provide for a […]