Effective: September 30, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 86 – 129th General Assembly As used in Chapter 5149. of the Revised Code: (A) “Authority” means the adult parole authority created by section 5149.02 of the Revised Code. (B) “State correctional institution,” “pardon,” “commutation,” “reprieve,” “parole,” “head of a state correctional institution,” “convict,” “prisoner,” “parolee,” “final […]
Effective: March 31, 2003 Latest Legislation: House Bill 510 – 124th General Assembly There is hereby created in the division of parole and community services of the department of rehabilitation and correction at bureau level an adult parole authority. The adult parole authority consists of its chief, a field services section, and a parole board. […]
Effective: January 1, 2004 Latest Legislation: House Bill 490 – 124th General Assembly (A) The adult parole authority shall administer Chapter 5149. and the provisions of Chapter 2967., Chapter 2971., and sections 2301.27 to 2301.32, 2941.46, 2951.06, and 2951.08 of the Revised Code that impose duties upon the authority. The authority may enter into a […]
Effective: March 30, 2007 Latest Legislation: House Bill 285 – 126th General Assembly No parole officer employed by the adult parole authority shall be required while engaged in the course of the parole officer’s employment or official responsibilities for the adult parole authority to use the parole officer’s privately owned motor vehicle to transport any […]
Effective: March 31, 2003 Latest Legislation: House Bill 510 – 124th General Assembly (A) Persons paroled, conditionally pardoned, or released to community supervision shall be under jurisdiction of the adult parole authority and shall be supervised by the field services section through its staff of parole and field officers in such manner as to insure […]
Effective: March 31, 2003 Latest Legislation: House Bill 510 – 124th General Assembly The chief of the adult parole authority may grant an employee permission to carry a firearm in the discharge of the employee’s official duties if the employee has successfully completed a basic firearm training program that is approved by the executive director […]
Effective: April 7, 2009 Latest Legislation: House Bill 130 – 127th General Assembly One of the primary duties of the field services section is to assist the counties in developing their own probation services on either a single-county or multiple-county basis. The section, within limits of available personnel and funds, may supervise selected probationers from […]
Effective: March 22, 2013 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 160 – 129th General Assembly The department of rehabilitation and correction shall maintain central files and records pertaining to the work of the adult parole authority, and shall coordinate the department’s record-keeping with that of the adult parole authority. Additionally, the department shall not later than the […]
Effective: March 18, 1965 Latest Legislation: House Bill 28 – 105th General Assembly The attorney general is the legal adviser of the adult parole authority, its officers and employees, and neither the authority nor any of its officers or employees shall employ or be represented in its or his official capacity by any other counsel […]
Effective: March 17, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 111 – 122nd General Assembly The chief of the division of parole and community services is the principal appointing authority of the adult parole authority, and the chief shall appoint all officers and employees of the authority except for those officers appointed by the director of rehabilitation […]
Effective: September 29, 2017 Latest Legislation: House Bill 49 – 132nd General Assembly (A)(1) The parole board shall consist of up to twelve members, one of whom shall be designated as chairperson by the director of the department of rehabilitation and correction and who shall continue as chairperson until a successor is designated, and any […]
Effective: April 12, 2021 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 256 – 133rd General Assembly (A)(1) A board hearing officer, a board member, or the office of victims’ services may petition the board for a full board hearing that relates to the proposed parole or re-parole of a prisoner, including any prisoner described in section 2967.132 of […]
Effective: July 1, 2009 Latest Legislation: House Bill 525 – 127th General Assembly In the exercise of any of the powers vested in the adult parole authority, the chief of the authority, any member of the board, or any hearing officer may administer oaths and in the name of the authority may issue subpoenas and […]
Effective: March 31, 2003 Latest Legislation: House Bill 510 – 124th General Assembly The adult parole authority shall exercise general supervision over the work of all probation and parole officers throughout the state, excluding those appointed in county probation departments and those appointed by municipal judges.
Effective: January 1, 2004 Latest Legislation: House Bill 490 – 124th General Assembly For the purposes of Chapter 5149. of the Revised Code, all of the following apply: (A) “State, states, or States” means one or several of the fifty states of the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia. […]
Effective: July 24, 2002 Latest Legislation: House Bill 269 – 124th General Assembly The “interstate compact for adult offender supervision” is hereby enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining in that compact in the form substantially as follows: “INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR ADULT OFFENDER SUPERVISION ARTICLE I PURPOSE The compacting states […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly There is hereby established the Ohio council for interstate adult offender supervision pursuant to Article IV of the interstate compact for adult offender supervision. The council shall be comprised of at least twelve members. One member shall be the compact administrator for […]
Effective: July 1, 1985 Latest Legislation: House Bill 201 – 116th General Assembly (A) The chief of the adult parole authority may deputize any person regularly employed by another state to act as an officer and agent of this state in effecting the return of any person who has violated the terms and conditions of […]
Effective: July 24, 2002 Latest Legislation: House Bill 269 – 124th General Assembly (A) When a sending state places a hold warrant or a detainer warrant on an offender supervised under the interstate compact for adult offender supervision who is in custody in this state and that warrant does not provide that the offender may […]
Effective: March 17, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 111 – 122nd General Assembly As used in sections 5149.30 to 5149.37 of the Revised Code: (A) “Community corrections programs” include, but are not limited to, probation, parole, preventive or diversionary corrections programs, release-on-recognizance programs, prosecutorial diversion programs, specialized treatment programs for alcoholic and narcotic-addicted offenders, and […]