Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly (A) As used in the Revised Code, “children’s health insurance program” and, when used as an acronym for the children’s health insurance program, “CHIP” mean the program of child health assistance authorized by Title XXI of the “Social Security Act,” 42 U.S.C. […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The medicaid director may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code as necessary for the efficient administration of the children’s health insurance program, including rules that establish all of the following: (A) The conditions under which the program […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The medicaid director may continue to operate the component of the children’s health insurance program initially authorized by an executive order issued under section 107.17 of the Revised Code as long as federal financial participation is available for the program. If operated, […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The component of the children’s health insurance program authorized by section 5161.05 of the Revised Code shall be known as CHIP part I.
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly In accordance with federal law governing the children’s health insurance program, the medicaid director may submit a state child health plan to the United States secretary of health and human services to pay, except as provided in section 5161.22 of the Revised […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The component of the children’s health insurance program authorized by section 5161.10 of the Revised Code shall be known as CHIP part II.
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly If the medicaid director submits a state child health plan to the United States secretary of health and human services under section 5161.10 of the Revised Code and the secretary approves the plan, the director shall implement CHIP part II in accordance […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly In accordance with federal law governing the children’s health insurance program, the medicaid director may submit a request for a federal waiver to the United States secretary of health and human services to pay, except as provided in section 5161.22 of the […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The component of the children’s health insurance program authorized by section 5161.15 of the Revised Code shall be known as CHIP part III.
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly If the medicaid director submits a waiver request to the United States secretary of health and human services under section 5161.15 of the Revised Code and the secretary grants the waiver, the director shall implement CHIP part III in accordance with the […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly In accordance with the “Social Security Act,” section 2101, 42 U.S.C. 1397aa, the children’s health insurance program shall provide payments for obtaining health benefits coverage through any of the following: (A) Obtaining coverage that meets the requirements the “Social Security Act,” section […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly If the medicaid director determines that federal financial participation for CHIP part II, part III, or both parts is insufficient to pay for part or all of the costs of health benefits coverage for all the individuals the director anticipates are eligible […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly To the extent permitted by the “Social Security Act,” section 2103(e), 42 U.S.C. 1397cc(e), the medicaid director may require an individual seeking to enroll, or who is enrolled, in CHIP part II to pay a premium, deductible, coinsurance payment, or other cost-sharing […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly To the extent permitted by the “Social Security Act,” section 2103(e), 42 U.S.C. 1397cc(e), the medicaid director shall require an individual seeking to enroll, or who is enrolled, in CHIP part III to pay the following as a term of enrollment: (A) […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly A completed application for medicaid shall be treated as an application for the children’s health insurance program if the application is for an assistance group that includes a child under nineteen years of age and is denied.
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly The medicaid director may contract with a government entity or person to perform the director’s administrative duties regarding CHIP part I, part II, part III, two of the parts, or all three parts, other than the duty to submit a state child […]
Effective: September 29, 2013 Latest Legislation: House Bill 59 – 130th General Assembly (A) The medicaid director may submit a waiver request to the United States secretary of health and human services to provide health assistance to any individual who meets all of the following requirements: (1) Is the parent of a child who is […]