Effective: July 22, 1994 Latest Legislation: House Bill 448 – 120th General Assembly Any veterans plot owned or maintained by any county, township, or municipal corporation shall be open for the burial of the body of any deceased veteran on application by a relative of the decedent or other proper person responsible for the disposition […]
Effective: August 5, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 – 122nd General Assembly If it is desired to bury the body or cremated remains of any deceased veteran in any cemetery not having a burial plot as provided by section 5901.22 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners, any board of township trustees, […]
Effective: August 5, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 – 122nd General Assembly The board of county commissioners shall require the veterans service commission, upon application and with the approval of the family or friends of the deceased, to contract, at a fair and reasonable price, with the funeral director selected by the family or […]
Effective: August 5, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 – 122nd General Assembly Pursuant to section 5901.25 of the Revised Code, the veterans service commission shall use the forms of contracts prescribed by sections 5901.25 to 5901.32 of the Revised Code, and abide by the regulations provided by such sections. The commission shall see that […]
Effective: August 5, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 – 122nd General Assembly Before assuming the charge and expense of any burial or cremation, the veterans service commission, pursuant to section 5901.25 of the Revised Code, shall satisfy itself, beyond a reasonable doubt, by careful inquiry, that the family of the deceased is unable, for […]
Effective: July 22, 1994 Latest Legislation: House Bill 448 – 120th General Assembly Upon the death of an inmate of any home for indigent parents, spouses, or surviving spouses of veterans, the manager of the home may, upon a certificate signed by the attending physician of the home, certify as to the death of the […]
Effective: May 9, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 495 – 123rd General Assembly The funeral director employed to perform the service described by section 5901.25 of the Revised Code shall use the blanks provided by this section, specifying what the funeral director is to furnish for the service. The contract shall be signed by the […]
Effective: August 5, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 – 122nd General Assembly The funeral director shall present the itemized bill and contract, as approved by the veterans service commission, to the county auditor, upon printed blanks furnished by the auditor, and make an oath that the funeral director has honestly and faithfully performed the […]
Effective: July 22, 1994 Latest Legislation: House Bill 448 – 120th General Assembly If a saving of money is effected by reason of the loan of automobiles, ownership of a cemetery lot, or other items mentioned in the bill of expenses under section 5901.30 of the Revised Code, the amount of such saving shall remain […]
Effective: August 5, 1998 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 117 – 122nd General Assembly Upon securing the report and statement of expenses as provided by section 5901.27 of the Revised Code, the board of county commissioners shall transcribe in a book to be kept for that purpose, all the facts contained in the report concerning a […]
Effective: July 22, 1994 Latest Legislation: House Bill 448 – 120th General Assembly The board of county commissioners shall, upon the petition of any five veterans of any township or municipal corporation in its county, procure for and furnish to the petitioners a suitable and durable marker for the grave of each veteran buried in […]
Effective: September 14, 1988 Latest Legislation: House Bill 626 – 117th General Assembly The board of county commissioners shall provide for the proper care of the graves of all veterans, and of confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines who are buried in lots used exclusively for the benefit of veterans and confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines […]
Effective: July 22, 1994 Latest Legislation: House Bill 448 – 120th General Assembly For the purpose of enabling counties or municipal corporations to aid and facilitate the construction of veterans’ facilities operated by the United States department of veterans affairs as a public works project of the government of the United States, the board of […]
Effective: September 14, 1988 Latest Legislation: House Bill 626 – 117th General Assembly In any county having a cemetery or part of it set apart for the burial of veterans, or containing a monument erected to their memory, or containing monuments and memorials erected by private or public expense to the memory of veterans, the […]
Effective: June 15, 2000 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 120 – 123rd General Assembly (A) No person who is not a veteran, an active-duty member of the armed forces of the United States, or the spouse, surviving spouse, dependent parent, minor child, or ward of a veteran or an active-duty member of the armed forces of […]