Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly The governor shall organize and maintain within this state on a cadre or reserve basis naval forces capable of being expanded and trained to defend this state whenever the Ohio national guard, or a part thereof, is employed so as to leave […]
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly The Ohio naval militia shall be divided into ship companies and each ship company shall consist of not less than two or more than three divisions.
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly Each ship company and each division shall be allowed such commissioned officers, warrant officers, and enlisted members as are prescribed by the department of the navy for similar naval organizations, or as the exigencies of the service require.
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly Commissioned officers and warrant officers of the Ohio naval militia shall be chosen, commissioned, and take rank as provided for the Ohio national guard, following the regulations and customs of the United States navy. Commissioned officers and warrant officers of the Ohio […]
Effective: May 9, 2000 Latest Legislation: House Bill 495 – 123rd General Assembly Enlisted members shall be enlisted according to regulations prescribed by the department of the navy for the governing of similar naval organizations. All persons enlisted in the Ohio naval militia shall sign an enlistment contract and take and subscribe to an oath […]
Effective: October 2, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 – 100th General Assembly The uniform of the commissioned officers, warrant officers, petty officers and enlisted men of the Ohio naval militia shall be suitable, but not in violation of the laws of the United States or contrary to regulations of the department of the navy.
Effective: October 2, 1953 Latest Legislation: House Bill 166 – 100th General Assembly The Ohio naval militia shall assemble for drill and instruction at such times and places and during such periods of time as the governor prescribes.
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly Each ship company shall make only such tours of duty afloat or ashore as the governor orders.
Effective: September 18, 1997 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 130 – 122nd General Assembly The Ohio naval militia shall be organized, governed, drilled, and instructed in accordance with the regulations and customs provided for the navy of the United States, and Chapter 5924. of the Revised Code, together with the orders of the governor.
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly The governor may prescribe rules not inconsistent with the provisions of law governing the enlistment, organization, administration, equipment, and maintenance of the Ohio naval militia. A copy of such rules shall be kept available to the public in the office of the […]
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly The governor may requisition from the department of defense, for the use of the Ohio naval militia, arms and equipment that may be in possession and can be furnished by the department, and make available to the Ohio naval militia the facilities […]
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly Sections 5921.01 to 5921.16 of the Revised Code do not authorize the Ohio naval militia, or any part thereof, to be called or ordered as such into the military service of the United States. The naval militia may become a component of […]
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly The governor may accept the resignation of any commissioned officer or warrant officer or grant a discharge to any enlisted member of the Ohio naval militia at any time. Commissions or warrants of officers of the naval militia shall be vacated by […]
Effective: January 11, 1977 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 524 – 111th General Assembly No civil organization, society, club, post, order, fraternity, association, brotherhood, body, union, league, or other combination of persons, or civil group, shall be enlisted in the Ohio naval militia as an organization.
Effective: September 23, 1985 Latest Legislation: House Bill 204 – 116th General Assembly The officers and enlisted men of the Ohio naval militia shall receive from the state the same pay, allowances, benefits, and privileges, in every respect, as are allowed the officers and enlisted men of corresponding rank and grade of the Ohio military […]