Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly As used in sections 6105.01 to 6105.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code: (A) “Water resources” means all waters within a watershed district occurring on the surface in natural or artificial channels, lakes, reservoirs, or impoundments, and in subsurface aquifers, which are available […]
Effective: June 13, 1975 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 111th General Assembly A watershed district shall be created upon the filing of a map and a description of such watershed district under division (G) of section 6111.42 of the Revised Code.
Effective: June 13, 1975 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 111th General Assembly Within sixty days after a map and description of a watershed district have been filed under division (G) of section 6111.42 of the Revised Code, the president of the board of county commissioners of that county or part of a county with […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly At the meeting called under section 6105.06 of the Revised Code, the president or duly authorized representative of the board of county commissioners of each watershed county shall, by a majority vote of such presidents or representatives, adopt an official name for […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly At the meeting called under section 6105.06 of the Revised Code, the president or duly authorized representative of the board of county commissioners of each watershed county shall, by a majority vote of such presidents or representatives, adopt an expenditure budget for […]
Effective: September 24, 1963 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 202 – 105th General Assembly Within sixty days after the appointment of the full membership of a board of directors of a watershed district, the board shall meet and organize by selecting from among its members a chairman and a vice-chairman, who shall hold their respective offices […]
Effective: December 16, 1964 Latest Legislation: House Bill 5 – 105th General Assembly The secretary-treasurer of a watershed district is the fiscal officer of the district and the custodian of its funds and records and shall assist the board of directors in such particulars as it directs in the performance of its duties. The secretary-treasurer […]
Effective: March 18, 1969 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 108th General Assembly All the power and authority granted to a watershed district shall be vested in and exercised by its board of directors. Upon its organization, the watershed district constitutes a political subdivision of the state, may sue and be sued, and may enter […]
Effective: October 23, 1972 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 397 – 109th General Assembly The board of directors of a watershed district, for the purpose of assisting to obtain the orderly development and the most beneficial use of the water resources within the territorial boundaries of the district, may: (A) Review and recommend plans for the […]
Effective: September 24, 1963 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 202 – 105th General Assembly Whenever any person or governmental agency plans to construct or alter any dam, reservoir, or storage basin, for the purpose of storing, conserving, or diverting water, or plans to drill, bore, or dig, a well or wells to provide water for a […]
Effective: September 29, 2011 Latest Legislation: House Bill 153 – 129th General Assembly The board of directors of a watershed district may designate a specific reach in the channel of any watercourse within the territorial boundaries of the district as a restricted channel, when the construction or alteration of structures or obstructions within such channel […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly When the board of directors of a watershed district has adopted a resolution under section 6105.131 of the Revised Code, designating a specific reach of a channel of a watercourse as a restricted channel or a specific area as a restricted floodway, […]
Effective: March 18, 1969 Latest Legislation: House Bill 1 – 108th General Assembly No person or governmental agency, except a conservancy district or subdistrict thereof organized under Chapter 6101. of the Revised Code, shall construct any structure or obstruction, or make or permit to be made any change or alteration in any structure or obstruction […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly In the event the board of directors of a watershed district, under section 6105.133 of the Revised Code, refuses to give its consent to the construction, change, alteration, relocation, deposit, encroachment, or change of grade in a restricted channel or restricted floodway […]
Effective: October 23, 1972 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 397 – 109th General Assembly Annually the board of directors of a watershed district shall prepare and publish a report of its proceedings during the preceding calendar year. Such report shall contain a summary of the hearings held by the board, the recommendations of the board resulting […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly On or before the first day of June of each year, the board of directors of a watershed district shall submit to the board of county commissioners of each watershed county an expenditure budget for the watershed district for the next succeeding […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly Annually, within thirty days after the expenditure budget of a watershed district has been submitted to the boards of county commissioners under section 6105.15 of the Revised Code, the president of the board of county commissioners of that county or part of […]
Effective: December 14, 1967 Latest Legislation: House Bill 791 – 107th General Assembly At the annual meeting called under section 6105.16 of the Revised Code the president or duly authorized representative of the board of county commissioners of each watershed county shall, by a majority vote of those present, adopt an expenditure budget for the […]
Effective: July 2, 2010 Latest Legislation: House Bill 48 – 128th General Assembly At any time after the third year following the creation of a watershed district a referendum may be held on the question of dissolution of the district. The question of dissolution of a watershed district may be presented to the electors within […]
Effective: September 24, 1963 Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 202 – 105th General Assembly A petition filed under section 6105.18 of the Revised Code shall contain: (A) The name of the watershed district it is proposed to dissolve; (B) A statement that the signers of the petition request that the question of the dissolution of the […]