A. 1. There is hereby created the Oklahoma Mining Commission. The Commission shall be composed of nine (9) members to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. 2. The Commission shall constitute a body corporate of the State of Oklahoma, and exercise by the Commission of the powers conferred […]
A. Whenever the Board determines there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of any order of the Board adopted pursuant to Title 45 of the Oklahoma Statutes, it shall give written notice to the alleged violator specifying the cause of the complaint. Such notice shall require that the matters complained of […]
A. All hearings required by the Board may be conducted by the Board itself at aregular or special meeting of the Board or the Board may designate hearing officers who shall have the power and authority to conduct such hearings in the name of the Board at any time and place. B. Any person aggrieved […]
The Chief Mine Inspector or his duly authorized representative shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the health and safety of anyone employed in a mine in this state or to carry out its duties as required […]
The Board shall adopt within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the effective date of this act, rules and regulations governing ventilation, underground haulage, hoisting operations, explosives, and such other regulations it may deem necessary to protect the health and safety of persons employed in the mines of this state. Added by Laws 1982, […]
A. The Oklahoma Mining Commission shall be the policy-determining agency for the Department of Mines and shall determine the broad plans and programs for the accomplishment of duties and responsibilities vested by law in said Commission, the Chief Mine Inspector and the Department of Mines, and may in the absence of an appointed Chief Mine […]
The chief executive officer of the Department of Mines shall be the Chief Mine Inspector. In the absence of an appointed Chief Mine Inspector the chief executive officer shall be the Director who shall be appointed by the Oklahoma Mining Commission and who shall serve at the pleasure of said Commission and fix his or […]
Subject to the policies, rules and regulations of the Oklahoma Mining Commission, the Director shall: 1. Be responsible for organizing the Department of Mines in a manner efficiently to achieve the objectives of the Commission; 2. Prepare and submit plans for administering the programs of the Commission; 3. Prepare a personnel schedule, employ personnel, define […]
A. The Director of the Department of Mines with the approval of the Commission shall have and is authorized to exercise the following duties: 1. To appoint a miner certification advisory council or other such advisory council as may be required to accomplish government functions; and 2. To provide assistance, advice and counsel to the […]
A. There is hereby established the Oklahoma Miner Training Institute. The Oklahoma Miner Training Institute shall administer miner safety training programs and economic development programs to assist the mining industry in this state. B. The Oklahoma Mining Commission shall contract with the Board of Regents of Eastern Oklahoma State College in Wilburton for facilities, faculty […]
The Oklahoma Miner Training Institute shall: 1. Conduct miner safety training programs consistent with the needs of the mining industry within this state and the training requirements of the Oklahoma Mining Commission; 2. Assist and cooperate with the Oklahoma Mining Commission by conducting examinations of students of the Oklahoma Miner Training Institute applying for certificates […]
Any point source discharge, the disposal of any hazardous waste, as regulated by the Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Management Act, or solid waste, sewage or other wastewater, and any air emission subject to the Oklahoma Clean Air Act, from any mine or mining activity shall be regulated by the Department of Environmental Quality. Added by Laws […]
A. No person shall act as a mine superintendent, mine foreman, fire boss, shot-firer, certified surface blaster, hoisting engineer or miner without first having obtained a certificate of competency from the Oklahoma Mining Commission. No person shall employ such mine superintendent, mine foreman, fire boss, shot-firer, certified surface blaster, hoisting engineer or miner who does […]
It shall be the duty of the Chief Mine Inspector to create mining districts for the assistant mine inspectors to carry out their duties under the law. The boundaries of such districts shall be drawn so that the inspection of the mines insures the full compliance with laws related to the health and safety of […]
The Chief Mine Inspector shall be a citizen of the United States and shall have been a resident of the State of Oklahoma for the three (3) years prior to his appointment to office. In addition, the Chief Mine Inspector shall have had eight (8) years’ actual experience as a practical miner. For the purposes […]
In the absence of an appointed Chief Mine Inspector, the Governor shall appoint a Director of the Department of Mines with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Director of the Department of Mines shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chief Mine Inspector until said Chief Mine Inspector is so appointed. Added […]
On or before the first day of August of each year, the Chief Mine Inspector shall submit to the Governor a report on the various systems of mining practiced in the state, methods of mine ventilation, type of machinery employed, and such other matters as may pertain to the general welfare of the public, miners […]
The Chief Mine Inspector shall, from time to time, make such examinations of any mine or mines in the state necessary for the proper enforcement of the mining laws. Laws 1929, c. 251, p. 325, art. 3, § 2.
The Chief Mine Inspector shall keep in his office a journal or record of all inspections, examinations and work done under his administration, and a copy of all official communications and he is hereby authorized to procure, at the expense of the state, such apparatus, instruments and chemicals as may be found necessary for the […]
The Chief Mine Inspector shall have an office at the seat of government in which he shall keep the maps and plans of all mines in the state and all records, correspondence, papers, apparatus and other property belonging to the state pertaining to his office. All such property shall be kept in accessible and convenient […]