Section 4901 – Short title of chapter
§ 4901. Short title of chapter. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Access to Justice Act.
§ 4901. Short title of chapter. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Access to Justice Act.
§ 4902. Declaration. The General Assembly finds and declares as follows: (1) It is of paramount importance to the citizens of this Commonwealth that all individuals who seek lawful redress of their grievances have equal access to our system of justice. (2) The availability of civil legal services is essential to providing meaningful access to […]
§ 4903. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Account.” The Access to Justice Account established in section 4904 (relating to establishment of Access to Justice Account). “Eligible legal services provider.” A not-for-profit entity incorporated […]
§ 4904. Establishment of Access to Justice Account. There is established in the State Treasury a nonlapsing restricted receipt account to be known as the Access to Justice Account for the deposit of all fees authorized by this chapter. Cross References. Section 4904 is referred to in sections 3733, 4903 of this title.
§ 4905. Purpose of account. (a) Permitted use.–All moneys in the account and any investment income accrued shall be used exclusively to provide civil legal assistance to poor and disadvantaged persons in this Commonwealth. The Supreme Court shall, by rule, determine eligibility for legal assistance under this subsection. (b) Prohibited use.–Recipients of funds under this […]
§ 4906. Distribution of funds. All moneys deposited in the account and any investment income accrued are hereby annually appropriated to the Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts and shall be distributed annually, upon requisition of the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania, to the Pennsylvania Interest on Lawyers Trust Account Board to contract exclusively with eligible […]
§ 4907. Expiration of chapter (Repealed). 2017 Repeal. Section 4907 was repealed October 30, 2017, P.L.725, No.44, effective immediately.