§ 9771. Modification or revocation of order of probation. (a) General rule.–The court has inherent power to at any time terminate continued supervision, lessen the conditions upon which an order of probation has been imposed or increase the conditions under which an order of probation has been imposed upon a finding that a person presents […]
§ 9771.1. Court-imposed sanctions for violating probation. (a) Program.–Notwithstanding the provisions of section 9771 (relating to modification or revocation of order of probation), the court of common pleas of a judicial district may establish a program to impose swift, predictable and brief sanctions on persons who violate their probation. (b) Coordination with other officials.–(Deleted by […]
§ 9772. Failure to pay fine. Unless there is proof that failure to pay a fine or that portion of the fine that is due is excusable, the court may after a hearing find the defendant guilty of contempt and sentence him to not more than six months imprisonment, if a term of confinement of […]
§ 9773. Modification or revocation of county intermediate punishment sentence (Repealed). 2019 Repeal. Section 9773 was repealed December 18, 2019, P.L.776, No.115, effective immediately.
§ 9774. Revocation of State intermediate punishment sentence (Repealed). 2019 Repeal. Section 9774 was repealed December 18, 2019, P.L.776, No.115, effective immediately.
§ 9775. Parole without board supervision. A sentencing court shall grant parole from a term of imprisonment for less than a maximum period of two years, and, together with all probations except probation as to which supervision is specially ordered by the court as provided for under section 9721 (relating to sentencing generally), parole shall […]
§ 9776. Judicial power to release inmates. (a) General rule.–Except as otherwise provided under this chapter or if the Pennsylvania Parole Board has exclusive parole jurisdiction, a court of this Commonwealth or other court of record having jurisdiction may, after due hearing, release on parole an inmate in the county correctional institution of that judicial […]
§ 9777. Transfer of inmates in need of medical treatment. (a) Inmates committed to custody of department.–If an inmate is committed to the custody of the department, the department, the inmate or a person to whom the court grants standing to act on behalf of the inmate may petition the sentencing court to temporarily defer […]