§ 9799.51. Legislative findings and declaration of policy. (a) Legislative findings.–It is hereby determined and declared as a matter of legislative finding: (1) If the public is provided adequate notice and information about sexually violent predators and offenders as well as those sexually violent predators and offenders who do not have a fixed place of […]
§ 9799.52. Scope. This subchapter shall apply to individuals who were: (1) convicted of a sexually violent offense committed on or after April 22, 1996, but before December 20, 2012, whose period of registration with the Pennsylvania State Police, as described in section 9799.55 (relating to registration), has not expired; or (2) required to register […]
§ 9799.53. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: “Active notification.” Notification in accordance with section 9799.62 (relating to other notification) or a process whereby law enforcement, pursuant to the laws of the United States […]
§ 9799.54. Applicability. (a) Registration.–The following individuals shall register with the Pennsylvania State Police as provided in this subchapter: (1) An individual who committed a sexually violent offense within this Commonwealth and whose period of registration with the Pennsylvania State Police, as specified in section 9799.55 (relating to registration), as of February 21, 2018, has […]
§ 9799.55. Registration. (a) Ten-year registration.–Except as provided under subsection (a.1) or (b), the following individuals shall be required to register with the Pennsylvania State Police for a period of 10 years: (1) (i) (A) Individuals convicted within this Commonwealth of any of the following offenses committed on or after April 22, 1996, but before […]
§ 9799.56. Registration procedures and applicability. (a) Registration.– (1) (i) Offenders and sexually violent predators shall be required to register with the Pennsylvania State Police as specified in section 9799.54 (relating to applicability). (ii) Offenders and sexually violent predators shall be required to register with the Pennsylvania State Police upon release from incarceration, upon parole […]
§ 9799.57. Sentencing court information. The sentencing court shall inform offenders and sexually violent predators convicted on or after February 21, 2018, at the time of sentencing of the provisions of this subchapter. The court shall: (1) Specifically inform the offender or sexually violent predator of the duty to register and provide the information required […]
§ 9799.58. Assessments. (a) Order for assessment.–After conviction but before sentencing, a court shall order an individual convicted of an offense specified in section 9799.55 (relating to registration) to be assessed by the board. The order for an assessment shall be sent to the administrative officer of the board within 10 days of the date […]
§ 9799.59. Exemption from certain notifications. (a) General rule.–An individual required to register under section 9799.55(a.1) and (b) (relating to registration) may be exempt from the requirement to register, the requirement to verify residence, employment and enrollment in an educational institution, the requirement to appear on the publicly accessible Internet website maintained by the Pennsylvania […]
§ 9799.60. Verification of residence. (a) Quarterly verification by sexually violent predators.–The Pennsylvania State Police shall verify the residence and compliance with counseling as provided for in section 9799.70 (relating to counseling of sexually violent predators) of sexually violent predators every 90 days through the use of a nonforwardable verification form to the last reported […]
§ 9799.61. Victim notification. (a) Duty to inform victim.– (1) Where the individual is determined to be a sexually violent predator by a court under section 9799.58 (relating to assessments), the local municipal police department or the Pennsylvania State Police where no municipal police jurisdiction exists shall give written notice to the sexually violent predator’s […]
§ 9799.62. Other notification. (a) Notice by municipality’s chief law enforcement officer.–Notwithstanding any of the provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to criminal history record information), the chief law enforcement officer of the full-time or part-time police department of the municipality where a sexually violent predator lives shall be responsible for providing written notice […]
§ 9799.63. Information made available on Internet and electronic notification. (a) Legislative findings.–It is hereby declared to be the finding of the General Assembly that public safety will be enhanced by making information about sexually violent predators, lifetime registrants and other sex offenders available to the public through the Internet and electronic notification. Knowledge of […]
§ 9799.64. Administration. The Governor shall direct the Pennsylvania State Police, the Pennsylvania Parole Board, the board, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Transportation and any other agency of this Commonwealth the Governor deems necessary to collaboratively design, develop and implement an integrated and secure system of communication, storage and retrieval of information to […]
§ 9799.65. Global positioning system technology. The Pennsylvania Parole Board, the Department of Corrections and county probation authorities may impose supervision conditions that include offender tracking through global positioning system technology. (June 12, 2018, P.L.140, No.29, eff. imd.; June 30, 2021, P.L.260, No.59, eff. imd.)
§ 9799.66. Immunity for good faith conduct. The following entities shall be immune from liability for good faith conduct under this subchapter: (1) The Pennsylvania State Police and local law enforcement agencies and employees of law enforcement agencies. (2) District attorneys and their agents and employees. (3) Superintendents, administrators, teachers, employees and volunteers engaged in […]
§ 9799.67. Duties of Pennsylvania State Police. The Pennsylvania State Police shall: (1) Create and maintain a State registry of offenders and sexually violent predators required to register under this subchapter. The registry shall be incorporated as part of the registry established under Subchapter H (relating to registration of sexual offenders). (2) In consultation with […]
§ 9799.68. Duties of Department of Corrections. The Department of Corrections shall: (1) Create a notification form which will inform State and county prison and probation and parole personnel how to inform offenders and sexually violent predators required to register under this subchapter of their duty under the law. (2) In cooperation with other Commonwealth […]
§ 9799.69. Board. (a) Composition.–The State Sexual Offenders Assessment Board shall be composed of psychiatrists, psychologists and criminal justice experts, each of whom is an expert in the field of the behavior and treatment of sexual offenders. (b) Appointment.–The Governor shall appoint the board members. (c) Term of office.–Members of the board shall serve four-year […]
§ 9799.70. Counseling of sexually violent predators. (a) Counseling required.–For the period of registration required by section 9799.55(b) (relating to registration), a sexually violent predator shall be required to attend at least monthly counseling sessions in a program approved by the board and be financially responsible for all fees assessed from the counseling sessions. The […]