§ 6101. Courts of inquiry. (a) Who may convene.–Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter of concern to the State military forces may be convened by any person authorized to convene a general court-martial, whether or not the persons involved have requested such an inquiry. (b) Composition.–A court of inquiry consists of three or more […]
§ 6102. Authority to administer oaths and to act as notary. (a) Military administration and justice.–The following members of the State military forces may administer oaths for the purposes of military administration, including military justice: (1) All judge advocates, including the State Judge Advocate. (2) All summary courts-martial. (3) All adjutants, assistant adjutants, acting adjutants […]
§ 6103. Text of part to be available. (a) Explanation of certain provisions.–Provisions of this part specifically designated by regulation as required to be explained to enlisted members shall be carefully explained to each enlisted member at the time of or within 30 days after the member’s initial entry into the State military forces and […]
§ 6104. Complaints of wrongs. Any member of the State military forces who believes himself wronged by a commanding officer and who, upon due application to that commanding officer, is refused redress may complain to any superior commissioned officer who shall forward the complaint to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the officer against […]
§ 6105. Redress of damages to property. (a) Assessment of damages.–Whenever complaint is made to any commanding officer that willful damage has been done to the property of any person or that the person’s property has been wrongfully taken by members of the State military forces, that person may, subject to such regulations as the […]
§ 6106. Execution of process and sentence. The processes and sentences of courts-martial of the State military forces shall be executed by the civil officers prescribed by the laws of this Commonwealth or by the officers of the State military forces as the circumstances may require. Fees for serving processes provided for in this part […]
§ 6107. Disposition of fines and penalties. (a) Military court or nonjudicial punishment.–Fines imposed by a military court or through imposition of nonjudicial punishment may be paid to the Commonwealth and delivered to the court or imposing officer or to a person executing their process. Fines may be collected in the following manner: (1) By […]
§ 6108. Liability of public officers for nonexecution of process. The neglect or refusal of any sheriff, constable, peace officer or jail warden to execute any process, to make proper return of all fines and penalties collected or to receive into custody any prisoner shall be deemed a misdemeanor and shall subject the offender to […]
§ 6109. Compensation of court. (a) Judges, counsel and members of courts.–Military judges, military counsel and members of courts-martial and courts of inquiry shall be allowed transportation and per diem pay as per military grade for time actually employed in the duties assigned them. Transportation shall be furnished to all prosecutors, prisoners, witnesses, sheriffs, peace […]
§ 6110. Immunity for action of military courts. No accused may bring an action or proceeding against the convening authority or a member of a military court or officer or person acting under its authority or reviewing its proceedings because of the approval, imposition or execution of any sentence or the imposition or collection of […]
§ 6111. Delegation of authority by Governor and Adjutant General. The Governor or Adjutant General may delegate any authority vested in him under this part and provide for the subdelegation of any such authority, except the power given the Governor by section 5406 (relating to sentences of dismissal, dishonorable discharge or bad conduct to be […]
§ 6112. Uniformity of interpretation. This part shall be so construed as to, so far as practical, make this law uniform with the law of the United States, especially as embodied in the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
§ 6113. State Military Justice Fund. There is hereby established in the State Treasury a special nonlapsing fund designated as the State Military Justice Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be administered by the Adjutant General. The fund shall be used to pay expenses incurred in the administration of military justice. All fines, penalties, fees […]