RCW 11.62.005 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated. (1) “Personal property” shall include any tangible personal property, any instrument evidencing a debt, obligation, stock, chose in action, license or ownership, any debt or any other intangible property. (2)(a) “Successor” and “successors” shall mean (subject to subsection (2)(b) […]
RCW 11.62.010 Disposition of personal property, debts by affidavit, proof of death—Contents of affidavit—Procedure—Securities. (1) At any time after forty days from the date of a decedent’s death, any person who is indebted to or who has possession of any personal property belonging to the decedent or to the decedent and his or her surviving […]
RCW 11.62.020 Effect of affidavit and proof of death—Discharge and release of transferor—Refusal to pay or deliver—Procedure—False affidavit—Conflicting affidavits—Accountability. The person paying, delivering, transferring, or issuing personal property pursuant to RCW 11.62.010 is discharged and released to the same extent as if such person has dealt with a personal representative of the decedent, unless at […]
RCW 11.62.030 Payment to surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner of moneys on deposit of deceased credit union member—Limitation—Affidavit—Accounting to personal representative. On the death of any member of any credit union organized under chapter 31.12 RCW or federal law, such credit union may pay to the surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner the moneys […]