RCW 11.76.010 Report of personal representative—Contents—Interim reports. Not less frequently than annually from the date of qualification, unless a final report has theretofore been rendered, the personal representative shall make, verify by his or her oath, and file with the clerk of the court a report of the affairs of the estate. Such report shall […]
RCW 11.76.020 Notice of hearing—Settlement of report. It shall not be necessary for the personal representative to give any notice of the hearing of any report prior to the final report, except as in RCW 11.28.240 provided, but the court may require notice of the hearing of any such report. [ 1965 c 145 § […]
RCW 11.76.030 Final report and petition for distribution—Contents. When the estate shall be ready to be closed, such personal representative shall make, verify, and file with the court his or her final report and petition for distribution. Such final report and petition shall, among other things, show that the estate is ready to be settled […]
RCW 11.76.040 Time and place of hearing—Notice. When such final report and petition for distribution, or either, has been filed, the court, or the clerk of the court, shall fix a day for hearing it which must be at least twenty days subsequent to the day of the publication as hereinafter provided. Notice of the […]
RCW 11.76.050 Hearing on final report—Decree of distribution. Upon the date fixed for the hearing of such final report and petition for distribution, or either thereof, or any day to which such hearing may have been adjourned by the court, if the court be satisfied that the notice of the time and place of hearing […]
RCW 11.76.060 Continuance to cite in sureties on bond when account incorrect. If, at any hearing upon any report of any personal representative, it shall appear to the court before which said proceeding is pending that said personal representative has not fully accounted to the beneficiaries of his or her trust and that said report […]
RCW 11.76.070 Attorney’s fees to contestant of erroneous account or report. If, in any probate or guardianship proceeding, any personal representative shall fail or neglect to report to the court concerning his or her trust and any beneficiary or other interested party shall be reasonably required to employ legal counsel to institute legal proceedings to […]
RCW 11.76.080 Representation of incapacitated person by guardian ad litem—Exception. If there be any alleged incapacitated person interested in the estate who has no legally appointed conservator or limited conservator under RCW 11.130.360, the court: (1) At any stage of the proceeding in its discretion and for such purpose or purposes as it shall indicate, […]
RCW 11.76.095 Distribution of estates to minors. When a decree of distribution is made by the court in administration upon a decedent’s estate or when distribution is made by a personal representative under a nonintervention will and distribution is ordered under such decree or authorized under such nonintervention will to a person under the age […]
RCW 11.76.100 Receipts for expenses from personal representative. In rendering his or her accounts or reports the personal representative shall produce receipts or canceled checks for the expenses and charges which he or she shall have paid, which receipts shall be filed and remain in court until the probate has been completed and the personal […]
RCW 11.76.110 Order of payment of debts. After payment of costs of administration the debts of the estate shall be paid in the following order: (1) Funeral expenses in such amount as the court shall order. (2) Expenses of the last sickness, in such amount as the court shall order. (3) Wages due for labor […]
RCW 11.76.120 Limitation on preference to mortgage or judgment. The preference given in RCW 11.76.110 to a mortgage or judgment shall only extend to the proceeds of the property subject to the lien of such mortgage or judgment. [ 1965 c 145 § 11.76.120. Prior: 1917 c 156 § 172; RRS § 1542; prior: 1897 […]
RCW 11.76.130 Expense of monument. Personal representatives of the estate of any deceased person are hereby authorized to expend a reasonable amount out of the estate of the decedent to erect a monument or tombstone suitable to mark the grave or crypt of the said decedent, and the expense thereof shall be paid as the […]
RCW 11.76.150 Payment of claims where estate insufficient. If the estate shall be insufficient to pay the debts of any class, each creditor shall be paid in proportion to his or her claim, and no other creditor of any lower class shall receive any payment until all those of the preceding class shall have been […]
RCW 11.76.160 Liability of personal representative. Whenever a decree shall have been made by the court for the payment of creditors, the personal representative shall be personally liable to each creditor for his or her claim or the dividend thereon, except when his or her inability to make the payment thereof from the property of […]
RCW 11.76.170 Action on claim not acted on—Contribution. If, after the accounts of the personal representative have been settled and the property distributed, it shall appear that there is a creditor or creditors whose claim or claims have been duly filed and not paid or disallowed, the said claim or claims shall not be a […]
RCW 11.76.180 Order maturing claim not due. If there be any claim not due the court may in its discretion, after hearing upon such notice as may be determined by it, mature such claim and direct that the same be paid in the due course of the administration. [ 1965 c 145 § 11.76.180. Prior: […]
RCW 11.76.190 Procedure on contingent and disputed claim. If there be any contingent or disputed claim against the estate, the amount thereof, or such part thereof as the holder would be entitled to, if the claim were established or absolute, shall be paid into the court, where it shall remain to be paid over to […]
RCW 11.76.200 Agent for absentee distributee. When any estate has been or is about to be distributed by decree of the court as provided in this chapter, to any person who has not been located, the court shall appoint an agent for the purpose of representing the interests of such person and of taking possession […]
RCW 11.76.210 Agent’s bond. Such agent shall make, subscribe and file an oath for the faithful performance of his or her duties, and shall give a bond to the state, to be approved by the court, conditioned faithfully to manage and account for such estate, before he or she shall be authorized to receive any […]