RCW 2.48.010 Objects and powers. There is hereby created as an agency of the state, for the purpose and with the powers hereinafter set forth, an association to be known as the Washington State Bar Association, hereinafter designated as the state bar, which association shall have a common seal and may sue and be sued, […]
RCW 2.48.020 First members. The first members of the Washington State Bar Association shall be all persons now [on June 7, 1933] entitled to practice law in this state. [ 1933 c 94 § 3; RRS § 138-3. FORMER PART OF SECTION: 1933 c 94 § 4; RRS § 138-4 now codified as RCW 2.48.021.]
RCW 2.48.021 New members. After the organization of the state bar, as herein provided, all persons who are admitted to practice in accordance with the provisions of RCW 2.48.010 through 2.48.180, except judges of courts of record, shall become by that fact active members of the state bar. [ 1933 c 94 § 4; RRS […]
RCW 2.48.030 Board of governors. There is hereby constituted a board of governors of the state bar which shall consist of not more than fifteen members, to include: The president of the state bar elected as provided by the bylaws of the association, one member from each congressional district now or hereafter existing in the […]
RCW 2.48.035 Board of governors—Membership—Effect of creation of new congressional districts or boundaries. The terms of office of members of the board of governors of the state bar who are elected from the various congressional districts shall not be affected by the creation of either new boundaries for congressional districts or additional districts. In such […]
RCW 2.48.040 State bar governed by board of governors. The state bar shall be governed by the board of governors which shall be charged with the executive functions of the state bar and the enforcement of the provisions of RCW 2.48.010 through 2.48.180 and all rules adopted in pursuance thereof. The members of the board […]
RCW 2.48.050 Powers of governors. The said board of governors shall have power, in its discretion, from time to time to adopt rules (1) concerning membership and the classification thereof into active, inactive and honorary members; and (2) concerning the enrollment and privileges of membership; and (3) defining the other officers of the state bar, […]
RCW 2.48.060 Admission and disbarment. The said board of governors shall likewise have power, in its discretion, from time to time to adopt rules, subject to the approval of the supreme court, fixing the qualifications, requirements and procedure for admission to the practice of law; and, with such approval, to establish from time to time […]
RCW 2.48.070 Admission of veterans. Any person who shall have graduated from any accredited law school and after such graduation shall have served in the armed forces of the United States of America between December 7, 1941, and the termination of the present World War, may be admitted to the practice of law in the […]
RCW 2.48.080 Admission of veterans—Establishment of requirements if in service. If an applicant under RCW 2.48.070 through 2.48.110 is, at the time he or she applies for admission to practice law in the state of Washington, still in the armed forces of the United States, he or she may establish the requirements of the proviso […]
RCW 2.48.090 Admission of veterans—Establishment of requirements if discharged. If an applicant under RCW 2.48.070 through 2.48.110 is, at the time he or she applies for admission to practice law in the state of Washington, no longer in the armed forces of the United States, he or she may establish the requirements of the proviso […]
RCW 2.48.100 Admission of veterans—Effect of disability discharge. A physical disability discharge shall be considered an honorable discharge unless it be coupled with a dishonorable discharge. [ 1945 c 181 § 4; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 138-7D.]
RCW 2.48.110 Admission of veterans—Fees of veterans. An applicant applying for admission to practice law under the provisions of RCW 2.48.070 through 2.48.090, shall pay the same fees as are required of residents of the state of Washington seeking admission to practice law by examination. [ 1945 c 181 § 5; Rem. Supp. 1945 § […]
RCW 2.48.130 Membership fee—Active. The annual membership fees for active members shall be payable on or before February 1st of each year. The board of governors may establish the amount of such annual membership fee to be effective each year: PROVIDED, That written notice of any proposed increase in membership fee shall be sent to […]
RCW 2.48.140 Membership fee—Inactive. The annual membership fee for inactive members shall be the sum of two dollars, payable on or before the first day of February of each year. [ 1955 c 34 § 1; 1933 c 94 § 10; RRS § 138-10.]
RCW 2.48.150 Admission fees. Applicants for admission to the bar upon accredited certificates or upon examination, not having been admitted to the bar in another state or territory, shall pay a fee of twenty-five dollars and all other applicants a fee of fifty dollars. Said admission fees shall be used to pay the expenses incurred […]
RCW 2.48.160 Suspension for nonpayment of fees. Any member failing to pay any fees after the same become due, and after two months’ written notice of his or her delinquency, must be suspended from membership in the state bar, but may be reinstated upon payment of accrued fees and such penalties as may be imposed […]
RCW 2.48.166 Admission to or suspension from practice—Noncompliance with support order—Rules. The Washington state supreme court may provide by rule that no person who has been certified by the department of social and health services as a person who is in noncompliance with a support order or a *residential or visitation order as provided in […]
RCW 2.48.170 Only active members may practice law. No person shall practice law in this state subsequent to the first meeting of the state bar unless he or she shall be an active member thereof as hereinbefore defined: PROVIDED, That a member of the bar in good standing in any other state or jurisdiction shall […]
RCW 2.48.180 Definitions—Unlawful practice a crime—Cause for discipline—Unprofessional conduct—Defense—Injunction—Remedies—Costs—Attorneys’ fees—Time limit for action. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Legal provider” means an active member in good standing of the state bar, and any other person authorized by the Washington state supreme court to engage in full or limited practice of law; (b) “Nonlawyer” […]