RCW 26.33.010 Intent. The legislature finds that the purpose of adoption is to provide stable homes for children. Adoptions should be handled efficiently, but the rights of all parties must be protected. The guiding principle must be determining what is in the best interest of the child. It is the intent of the legislature that […]
RCW 26.33.020 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) “Adoptee” means a person who is to be adopted or who has been adopted. (2) “Adoptive parent” means the person or persons who seek to adopt or have adopted an adoptee. (3) “Agency” means any public […]
RCW 26.33.030 Petitions—Place of filing—Consolidation of petitions and hearings. (1) A petition under this chapter may be filed in the superior court of the county in which the petitioner is a resident or of the county in which the adoptee is domiciled. (2) A petition under this chapter may be consolidated with any other petition […]
RCW 26.33.040 Petitions—Application of federal Indian child welfare act—Requirements—Federal servicemembers civil relief act statement and findings. (1)(a) Every petition filed in proceedings under this chapter shall contain a statement alleging whether the child is or may be an Indian child as defined in RCW 13.38.040. If the child is an Indian child, chapter 13.38 RCW […]
RCW 26.33.045 Delay or denial of adoption on basis of race, color, or national origin prohibited—Consideration in placement—Exception—Training. (1) An adoption shall not be delayed or denied on the basis of the race, color, or national origin of the adoptive parent or the child involved. However, when the department or an agency considers whether a […]
RCW 26.33.050 Validity of consents, relinquishments, or orders of termination from other jurisdictions—Burden of proof. Any consent, relinquishment, or order of termination that would be valid in the jurisdiction in which it was executed or obtained, and which comports with due process of law, is valid in Washington state, but the burden of proof as […]
RCW 26.33.060 Hearings—Procedure—Witnesses. All hearings under this chapter shall be heard by the court without a jury. Unless the parties and the court agree otherwise, proceedings of contested hearings shall be recorded. The general public shall be excluded and only those persons shall be admitted whose presence is requested by any person entitled to notice […]
RCW 26.33.070 Appointment of guardian ad litem—When required—Payment of fees. (1) The court shall appoint a guardian ad litem for any parent or *alleged father under eighteen years of age in any proceeding under this chapter. The court may appoint a guardian ad litem for a child adoptee or any incompetent party in any proceeding […]
RCW 26.33.080 Petition for relinquishment—Filing—Written consent required. (1) A parent, an *alleged father, the department, or an agency may file with the court a petition to relinquish a child to the department or an agency. The parent’s or *alleged father’s written consent to adoption shall accompany the petition. The written consent of the department or […]
RCW 26.33.090 Petition for relinquishment—Hearing—Temporary custody order—Notice—Order of relinquishment. (1) The court shall set a time and place for a hearing on the petition for relinquishment. The hearing may not be held sooner than forty-eight hours after the child’s birth or the signing of all necessary consents to adoption, whichever is later. However, if the […]
RCW 26.33.100 Petition for termination—Who may file—Contents—Time. (1) A petition for termination of the parent-child relationship of a parent or *alleged father who has not executed a written consent to adoption may be filed by: (a) The department or an agency; (b) The prospective adoptive parent to whom a child has been or may be […]
RCW 26.33.110 Petition for termination—Time and place of hearing—Notice of hearing and petition—Contents. (1) The court shall set a time and place for a hearing on the petition for termination of the parent-child relationship, which shall not be held sooner than forty-eight hours after the child’s birth. However, if the child is an Indian child, […]
RCW 26.33.120 Termination—Grounds—Failure to appear. (1) Except in the case of an Indian child and his or her parent, the parent-child relationship of a parent may be terminated upon a showing by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence that it is in the best interest of the child to terminate the relationship and that the parent […]
RCW 26.33.130 Termination order—Effect. (1) If the court determines, after a hearing, that the parent-child relationship should be terminated pursuant to RCW 26.33.090 or 26.33.120, the court shall enter an appropriate order terminating the parent-child relationship. (2) An order terminating the parent-child relationship divests the parent and the child of all legal rights, powers, privileges, […]
RCW 26.33.140 Who may adopt or be adopted. (1) Any person may be adopted, regardless of his or her age or residence. (2) Any person who is legally competent and who is eighteen years of age or older may be an adoptive parent. [ 1984 c 155 § 14.]
RCW 26.33.150 Petition for adoption—Filing—Contents—Preplacement report required. (1) An adoption proceeding is initiated by filing with the court a petition for adoption. The petition shall be filed by the prospective adoptive parent. (2) A petition for adoption shall contain the following information: (a) The name and address of the petitioner; (b) The name, if any, […]
RCW 26.33.160 Consent to adoption—When revocable—Procedure. (1) Except as otherwise provided in RCW 26.33.170, consent to an adoption shall be required of the following if applicable: (a) The adoptee, if fourteen years of age or older; (b) The parents and any *alleged father of an adoptee under eighteen years of age; (c) An agency or […]
RCW 26.33.170 Consent to adoption—When not required. (1) An agency’s, the department’s, or a legal guardian’s consent to adoption may be dispensed with if the court determines by clear, cogent and convincing evidence that the proposed adoption is in the best interests of the adoptee. (2) An *alleged father’s, birth parent’s, or parent’s consent to […]
RCW 26.33.180 Preplacement report required before placement with adoptive parents—Exception. Except as provided in RCW 26.33.220, a child shall not be placed with prospective adoptive parents until a preplacement report has been filed with the court. [ 1984 c 155 § 18.]
RCW 26.33.190 Preplacement report—Requirements—Fees. (1) Any person may at any time request an agency, the department, an individual approved by the court, or a qualified salaried court employee to prepare a preplacement report. A certificate signed under penalty of perjury by the person preparing the report specifying his or her qualifications as required in this […]